The Go Giver Book Summary


Are you a go getter? Are you not able to reach the level of success where you want to reach even after working hard? If yes, then this book is for you. In this book, you will learn about the 5 Laws of Stratospheric Success. Stratospheric success means success that is much bigger and higher than we imagine. You will learn about the importance of "giving". You will learn about the success stories of people who, instead of asking or wanting something for themselves, wanted to give something to others and reached the pinnacle of success where they Wanted to reach. He didn't just think of himself, he thought of giving it to others first. Why, can't believe hearing this, don't you? So see for yourself. Give this book a chance and it will give that knowledge Get what will take you to the heights of the sky. 

The Go-Getter "Joe" is a go getter. Go getter means a man who is too ambitious to achieve his goal. He is the most First thinks about himself, like what will I get by doing this work, what is my benefit in this. He does not hesitate to ask for anything. "Joe wanted to reach the top. Number in his firm] and become the best agent He was working hard for this. Even after doing all this he was not able to reach his destination. He could not even complete his target in the Ist and 2nd quarter. 

Now The third quarter was also about to end, but which was still far behind. That's why he went to a well-known consultant “Pindar” to ask for help. Pindar was affectionately called by everyone as chairman. Apart from being a consultant, he was also a mentor or mentor and keynote speaker. He achieved a lot of success in the field of business and He had earned money due to which he was also a business tycoon. He had retired from his business, now he was concentrating his full attention on helping other companies and professionals to be successful. Which was very impressed to meet Pindar. He felt that Pindar really deserved praise. He asked the chairman the secret of his success. 

Pindar said only one word "Giving" means giving to others. The one who found this very strange, he could not believe it. Because people have become accustomed to the world where in order to get ahead in the race of life, a person wants to move ahead by crushing the other, harming him. Here everyone thinks only for himself

And wants everything for himself. Who started thinking, if you keep giving then how will you earn profit for yourself?

But Pindar invites Joe to go on an exciting journey. In this he was going to reveal the secret of the 5 laws of stratospheric success. Every day of the coming week, Joe was to meet Pindar for lunch in which Pindar was going to introduce him to a friend of his every day so that he could learn all the laws one by one. But Pindar had a condition that Joe had to apply the learned law on the same day. From the time of lunch to dinner, Joe's law will have to be tested by applying it himself in real life. This is so that at the end of the week, who can himself test the truth of those laws. The man Monday met the owner of a restaurant, his name was Ernesto. 

On Tuesday he met a CEO named Nicole. On Wednesday he met a financial advisor named Sam. He met Debra, a real estate agent, on Thursday. On Friday, the secret of the 5th Law was revealed by a person who had never expected. So in the coming chapters you will learn about each law. You will learn about the success stories of Ernesto, Nicole, Sam and Debra. And we will also see at which point Joe's story ends.

The Law of Value 

The Law of Value means that "your true worth or worth depends on how much value you provide to people in return for their money". It means that if By adding more value to your service at the same price and giving more value to your customer, then you will be very successful. Value means giving such an experience to the customer that he remembers him and will be forced to say what is the matter. You will become more successful as you add more value. Ernesto Lafret is a real estate business tycoon. He is a chef as well as a restaurant owner. About twenty years ago, Ernesto had only one hot dog stand. Within no time he got some customers who always used to come to his stand. 

This word started spreading all around. Now it was a case that big business executives of the city also started coming to Ernesto's stand for lunch. The hot dog looked so amazing that some executive invested some money to help Ernesto. He thought of so that he could open a restaurant. There was an influx of people at Ernesto's stall. He had become so many customers that when he started the restaurant, as usual, he gave his customers the best dining experience which other restaurants were not able to provide. By doing this he earned a lot of profit. Ernesto bought Neue's restaurant. Those executives also happily accepted because they too had benefited greatly from it. After this success, Ernesto opened many more restaurants in that city. Apart from this, he thought of investing money in some commercial property.

Commercial property means real estate property where most of the business activities take place and from which a lot of profit can be earned. In this way he became the tycoon of the real estate world. So what's the secret to Ernestoki's success? Although there are many restaurants and hot dog stands in that city and their food is also very tasty and delicious. So what was it that made Ernesto's business so special, so different? The answer is that he used to add a lot of value to his service and give it to his customer. 

The first customers of Ernesto's hot dog stand were children. He used to remember the names and birthdays of those children. He used to remember small things related to him like his favorite colour, cartoon character.

Ernesto was very fond of children. He used to talk to them a lot and used to give them some special treat. Children started getting to know him well, started liking him and started trusting him. And in the end, he started taking his parents along with him to that stand.

Ernesto also remembered the names of elders, birthdays and their likes and dislikes. Now these parents also started knowing, liking and trusting Ernesto. Ernesto's behavior with him was as if there were many old friends or such a deep relationship, due to which now even elders liked to visit his stand again. He even started asking his acquaintances to go to Ernesto's stand. Rest of the restaurants give service and value exactly equal to the price mentioned on the menu of the restaurant. But Ernesto always gave more. 

They used to give excellent food at the same price as well as service and value like a five star hotel. Such an experience in front of which the service of others seemed to be lackluster. That's why the customers liked his restaurant so much. He used to go to his restaurant again and again and tell his friends about it too. You must be thinking that with such a business idea which only has to give, give and give, then you will go bankrupt, right?

 But this is not true at all. While starting a business, do not think that how much you will earn. Rather you should think about what you can give to your customers, what kind of service and value you can give them in return for money from them. This value can be anything like emotional value, financial value, performance value, anything. If you just keep adding value to it, you will end up creating more loyal customers. And it will bring more profit and success. So this is the first law of stratospheric success.

The Law of compensation 

The Law of Compensation means "Your earnings depend on how many people you are able to serve and how well you are able to serve". You have to find a way to reach your product to as many people as possible. Let's say you serve 25 people now, then you have to think in such a way that you can reach your product or service to 25,000 people. Just serve them well. Do it and you will earn so much that you can not even count. Nicole Martin is a teacher in children's school. She is an educational software company "Learning Systems for Children Inc." He is also the CEO of Nicole. Nicole loves to teach. But they feel that children are not learning as much as they should. The current education system focuses only on rote-playing and memorization. This system does not encourage children's creativity and their desire to know. That's why Nicole made such games which were fun but at the same time required a lot of intelligence. The kids had a lot of fun with it. And because of this, Nicole saw a lot of improvement in her performance. She wanted to teach not only 25 children but as many children as possible, but her salary was not that much. So he came up with a wonderful idea. One day, Nicole held a parent-teacher meeting. He talked to the father of a child there, who was a software engineer. He asked him if he could write software programs for the games he made. Then he talked to the mother of a child there, who had a small Advertising and marketing business. 

Nicole, the engineer and the marketing expert became all three business partners. These three people are the founders of "Learning Systems for Children Inc.". Nicole's product became very popular in the next few years. Through this software, they were able to sell 25 products simultaneously all over the world. could teach million children. So the more people you serve, the more lives you touch, the more you earn. So this was the second law. To be more successful, you have to serve as many people as possible in the best possible way. Must be served.

And there is no limit or end to this thing because there will always be people who you can serve. As Martin Luther King Jr. said, "Anyone can become great because everyone can serve". No matter what you do in life, no matter what your profession, you can achieve stratospheric success. It only depends on you. How much money do you wish to earn? Serve as many people as possible and you are sure to win.

The Law of Influence 

 The Law of Influence means how much influence or influence you have, it depends on how openly you think about the interests of others first, putting them before and before yourself". This is what we call "Win-Win" situation, which means everyone's only benefit. According to this, if you want to win in your business, then you have to give something to your customer, which he also benefits after getting it. like a 50-50 deal Is.

But this law teaches us that we should give full 00% to the customer and not just 50%. You have to understand the needs of others. You have to conquer the others first. Only then will you be able to achieve immense success. It's not about how many people you know. It's about what and how much you can do for those people. In true sense, it is called long lasting influence. Sam Rosen is a Leading Salesman and Financial Advisor. Earlier he was a regular insurance agent. But after a few years, he had reached the number] position in that company. His sales had reached $400 million from zero. Before becoming a full time financial advisor, he also served as a mediator and agent to some clients. Now he represents non-profit organizations and charities all over the world. They give their service to them for free. 

When Sam started, he could not sell a single insurance plan. But then he completely changed. Sam's secret is that he stopped thinking about what he would get. He began to see what he could give. He stopped worrying about his commission. Now he just started focusing on how to give the best service to his clients. By doing this, a network of people was formed who came to know, liked and trusted Sam. There were some people who did not buy insurance plans from Sam, but Sam still made friends with them. Sam really cared about his clients from the heart, so his clients also started feeling the same for Sam. He used to help them to be successful, get the best deals and secure them financially. And so his clients also helped him a lot to be successful. It was as if he had become a personal ambassador on the move because of Sam. He started asking people of his acquaintance to get insurance from Sam. And it was not that Sam used to give them any money in return. Those clients did it because they started liking Sam, trusting him. He knew that he was the best insurance agent in the market.

So stop making this scoreboard, don't count what you did for someone. After doing something for someone, don't ask him for anything in return. Just keep the process of giving this going, have faith that when you need it, help will automatically come your way from somewhere.

You cannot influence people on the basis of your money, popularity or position. You influence them by putting their needs first. In this way, you leave an indelible impression on them. Import your customer's needs. Give them what they want, let them win. You will see that as you continue to do well with them, your influence on them will increase and you will reach a higher peak of success.

The Law of authenticity 

The Law of Authenticity states that “the most valuable gift you can give to someone is yourself.” If you think you have nothing to give, you are absolutely wrong. You have your talent, skills, time, energy and your abilities. You can give these things to people. Debra Davenport is a 42 year old single mother. One day, her husband suddenly left and never came back. He had left Debra for another woman. At that time Debra was just a housewife, she could not understand how she would be able to raise her 3 children. Debra started looking for a job but wherever she applied From there he was rejected.They would have rejected him saying that he was too old or did not have the skills that he needed.

And then Debra thought of getting a real estate business license. He took training to become a real estate agent, studied it for a few months and passed the license exam. Debra had meticulously understood every closing technique used by other agents. These were the same techniques used to secure a deal with the client. Debra learned about the techniques of direct close, trial offer close, best-time-to-buy close and many more. But none of these worked for him. A whole year had passed but Debra could not sell a single property. Now she was getting frustrated with herself. On her 43rd birthday, a friend of Debra gave her a sales convention ticket. 

Sales convention means a meeting where people from the same field gather and dicuss about their work. There Debra learned that to earn more money, you have to add more value to your product. The more value you add, the more profit you will earn. It doesn't matter whether you are selling make up products or burger, laundry service or real estate agent, just keep adding value to it. This is very much liked by the customers and will make them come back to you again. Debra was worried after the seminar. She didn't have anything that she could add more value to her service. She felt as if her self-esteem had also left her with her husband. Debra was now at that point when she started thinking about leaving this career. But he had one last appointment left. That morning, she took the client to show the property.

Kyoti was Devra's last client, so she completely ignored all the people she had learned, did not follow any of them, then was being open with her Kanai. He didn't use any tricks or stupid things. Hebra To Dar was talking like a friend with her client. She was listening to the stories of her clients. He kept talking and talking all day long. I never thought that this would be his different business till date. In this, Gaan was able to end her personal tone more than a percent. He did not even remember whether he had even told the price of the property to Chalite or not. Jevara felt that he had destroyed everything. 

But after a few days he got a call. The light with whom he had met like friends after meeting so many bridges, had actually bought the property. So in the end, Devra manages to complete her first teal. It taught that one very important thing. He felt that he did not have a total slave for the fort step, but now he understood that he was himself, if it was personal, then he was adding Nelu, after that he sold many properties one after the other. 

Now Debra is a Ton Rival estate agent as well as an important runner in the Rominar of Rolling Biznera. He is very ten with his own self. He got a lot of satisfaction from his career and success. That is the only law of autism. Ripple, Sanch, real, as you live, there should be no rebelliousness or false pretense in it. Learned from anyone or anywhere: Don't do echnique worship.. Give your client the experience of Sumant Human Touch. Summarize their needs like Eka Dosavi on their words can summarize.

The law of Receptivity 

The Law of Receptivity says that "The way to make the thought of giving more effective is to be prepared to take something yourself. So far in this book you have only talked about giving. You may have grown up with the thought that "it is better to give than to receive". So does this mean that if your client wants to give you something in return, then you should refuse it? It is also natural to take something. By doing this a good and strong relationship remains.

And even getting back from someone is so natural, it is an important part of life, think about tree plants, they give oxygen by taking carbon dioxide. So no humans and animals take oxygen and give carbon dioxide. Life is a continuous cycle of this transaction. When you help people, give them more value in return for the price they have paid, then it is quite natural that Kiva will also give you something in return. And you must be ready to accept it. Accept whatever your clients, customers, agglochi or co-workers have to offer you, whatever it may be. This will always maintain your good relations and stratospheric success. TheGo-Giver Joe learned about the Laws of Values ​​from Anesto. From Nicole she learned the Law of Compensation, from Sama about the Laws of Influence, and from Debra about the Lows of Autism. From Monday to Thursday who met these interesting people. On Friday, he was still with Pindar, Bo started talking about both of the receptivity, then this secret was revealed that the special guest of Shipriday is himself, the whole Huffy who applied those laws one by one that day. I was successful in. Maheko, a client ripped off Joe. So Joe suggested someone else's name to help him get what he wanted. You pay a little more for the money. On Tuesday, Joe found a bag full of high quality coffee beans sent to Pindarki by Chef Rachel. When Joe arrived at the office that day, he made coffee using all the coffee beans And he made everyone drink coffee. This hello of vibrations to serve as many people as possible, reach out to more people.

On Wednesday, who was listening attentively to the concerns and complaints of his wife Susan. He asked Susan to share the burden of his heart. Joe did not stop him in the middle. He kept trying to ease her pain by sitting beside her till she fell asleep. This is the Law of Influence where the wants and needs of others are put before their own. On thursday, who was talking openly to his co-worker Gus. Due to this their friendship started deepening even more. This is the Law of Authenticity, where you present yourself in front of someone, giving a human touch. On Friday, Joe got a beautiful gift. Last Monday, the client who rejected Joe told them about a guy named Ed Barnes. So on Friday, Joe learned that Ed had also told an important client about Joe. Joe gave Ed an amazing opportunity. A few days later, Joe also got a wonderful opportunity from Ed's side. This is the Law of Receptivity, which means being ready to take from others. Joe had fulfilled Pindar's condition. 

He himself had tested the truth by applying these five laws. You must be wondering what happened after that? After that it happened that Joe had turned from a go-getter to a go-giver. As long as he thought about what he would get, he could not succeed. But when he started thinking about what he could give, then he achieved so much success that he had never imagined. From a regular employee who became a very successful businessman. He started his own company with Rachel. She was the chef of Pindar who made the world's most wonderful coffee. The name of his company was "Rachel's Famous Coffee". It started with the business opportunity that Ed gave to Joe. Within a year, this company touched the heights of stratospheric success.

His company had earned million dollars. Joe and his business partners were now involved in the work of social service. He was planning an irrigation system or irrigation facility to make farming easier in small villages. He started a foundation whose purpose was to make coffee cultivators all over the world self-sufficient.

And helping them by making cooperatives on the basis of community. People believe that "it is better to give than to receive" but now you must have understood that it is best to "give first, take something in return and repeat it again".


So you learned about the stories of Ernstow, Sum, Dechara, Nicole and Joe, you understood the importance of being a go-giver. Maybe you are like Bilal Jo. Your voice is always about what you get. But now you must have understood that you should pay attention to what you can give to others before taking anything in this moment. Inlay up one by one

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