7 Affiliate Marketing Network for Finding Products to Sell

I’m going to share with you 7 affiliate marketing networks for finding products to sell. I created this video, just as an extra, for those that want to go a little bit deeper in their product research and find profitable niches and markets to get into. In a later module, we are going to go into a lot more detail on how to find and select the right products to sell, how to promote them, and the different monetization strategies.
I am just planting the seed for now, and it is primarily for someone that wants to go a little bit deeper in exploring what products are available for you to promote and sell in the niche or market that you might decide. I am going to share with you the 7 affiliate marketing networks that I often recommend to utilize. There are a lot more affiliate networks that I will share later on in this program as well, but again, this is just for someone that wants to do a little more research and go a little bit deeper into potential products and opportunities.

7 Affiliate Marketing Networks

The affiliate networks that I am going to share with you are for both digital products as well as physical products; there are many different platforms and networks that are out there that exist, but these are the top 7 ones that I have used and recommend. The majority of companies out there, they go to these different platforms because they have good affiliate programs for attracting affiliates.


The first one is ClickBank, which I have already shown you. They are the #1 retailer for digital products. You can access their affiliate marketplace, search around, and look at different categories to see what products are available that you could promote or sell. Again, I want to recommend that you primarily use these platforms for doing more research for now, and then in a later module, I am going to show you a little more detail about how to promote and see these products effectively.


The second one is JVZoo and they are for digital products as well. If you click on their affiliate section, you will be taken to their affiliate page to sign up as an affiliate. They do have an affiliate marketplace but I do believe that you have to sign up or login in order to view the different products and different categories that they have. It is free to sign up, so you are free to do so if you like, but JVZoo is another popular network for many different products that are available for sale.

Amazon Associates

You can access this page by going to Amazon Associates, or the Amazon Affiliate program. You need to sign up and login into the account in order to promote the products on Amazon. However, Amazon Associates is not the best for doing research. I recommend just going to Amazon and going through their store directory to do research.


eBay is very popular and common, as you probably know, and they have an affiliate partner network as well, so if you want to be able to promote eBay products or even just promote eBay in general, they have an affiliate program.

Commission Junction (CJ)

Commission Junction (CJ) is one of the biggest affiliate markets that are out there; they allow you to promote physical products, in this case, digital products, and even events, seminars and services. I have promoted different seminars and events that were part of the Commission Junction affiliate network. Again, I do believe that you have to sign up for an account and login to be able to view the different affiliate programs that they have available. You have to request approval to be able to promote many of the affiliate programs in Commission Junction, and there is usually a manual process where they are going to review and see if you are the right fit for promoting their products.
Certain programs or companies are more strict on who they allow to promote their product or service, so keep that in mind. That is something that we are going to go into more detail down the road, but it can still be a valuable resource to see what products or opportunities are out there for you to be able to promote or sell within your niche and market.


ShareASale is common for physical products and some digital products as well. I am not quite sure about services or events. I have not personally looked for myself, but, for example, looking here, at MLB, major league baseball, their affiliate program is with ShareASale. You can browse around and see in their marketplace the different categories they have, what they specialize in, and what categories are available for you to promote.

Market Health

The last one is Market Health, and this is very popular if you want to sell skin care, skin creams, eye creams, different health supplements, etc. Again, I do believe that you have to sign up for a free account with them to be able to view the different categories and products that are available here.

Check out these affiliate networks if you want to go a little bit deeper in your product research and find even more products that you could potentially sell for the niches and markets that you eventually decide on. Like I said,do not get too overwhelmed. We are going to go into this much later on in this program about how to promote these products, how to pick the right products that are right for your affiliate marketing business, and how to monetize your audience and your list. 

However, it is always good to do a little bit of research beforehand so that you can think with the end in mine because that will help prepare you when the time comes.
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