The Rule of 3 for Better Time Management

Time management skills

In today's fast-paced world, finding effective strategies for managing our time and increasing productivity is crucial. One such strategy that has proven to be highly beneficial is the Rule of 3. By incorporating this rule into our daily routine, we can streamline our tasks, focus on priorities, and achieve our goals more efficiently. In this article, we will delve into the Rule of 3 and explore how it can revolutionize your time management skills.

The Rule of 3

The essence of the Rule of 3 lies in its simplicity. To implement it, all you need to do is put 1-3 results-based action items on your calendar each day. These action items should be concrete tasks that have a measurable impact and contribute to your overall goals. By limiting yourself to a manageable number of tasks, you ensure that you can dedicate your time and energy to each one effectively.

What Types of Items?

When selecting action items, focus on tasks that move you closer to your desired outcomes or contribute to designing your dream life. These should carry significant importance and fall under the high-priority category. By focusing on what truly matters, you avoid getting overwhelmed by urgent but less important tasks.

Why 1-3?

You may ask, why limit yourself to 1-3 tasks? The rationale behind this is simple – it allows you to make progress every single day, regardless of external factors or constraints. While you may have the capacity to handle more tasks, setting a minimum of 1-3 ensures that you consistently move forward. Remember, completing one task is already a step in the right direction, but accomplishing three is the pinnacle of efficiency.

How to Schedule Them

To successfully incorporate the Rule of 3 into your time management routine, it is crucial to allocate specific time slots for your chosen tasks. Set aside the earlier part of your day for these action items. Research suggests that completing tasks in the morning increases the likelihood of getting them done, as your brain is at its peak performance level. However, if circumstances prevent you from tackling these tasks earlier, don't fret. Better late than never – adjust your schedule accordingly and ensure you prioritize these tasks above others.

Slow Is Better Than Stopping

It's important to remember that progress, no matter how slow, is still progress. Even if you find yourself moving at a slower pace, as long as you continue to move forward, you are still achieving more than if you were to stop altogether. Embrace the Rule of 3 as a guiding principle to keep you on track and steadily inch towards your goals.

How I Do It

As a proponent of the Rule of 3, I have personally found great success in incorporating it into my daily routine. Here's how I go about it:

  • Every evening, I take out my trusty small journal and write down the three results I aim to produce the following day. This practice helps me clarify my focus and set clear objectives.
  • I then schedule these results on my calendar, ensuring I prioritize them according to their importance. This step not only serves as a reminder but also lays the foundation for a successful day ahead.

  • Finally, I review my calendar and make any necessary adjustments to accommodate these tasks. This proactive approach allows me to stay organized and ensure I meet my targets without compromising other commitments.


Incorporating the Rule of 3 into your time management system is a simple yet powerful way to elevate your productivity. By setting 1-3 results-based action items every day, you can cultivate a habit of focus and prioritize effectively. Moreover, this rule empowers you to stay organized, make consistent progress, and put your knowledge of productivity into action. So, give the Rule of 3 a try and witness the transformative impact it can have on your daily life.

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