Breaking Free: How to Overcome Feeling Stuck in Life

Get out of Feeling Stuck

What Does "Stuck" Mean?

Stuck refers to the state of being unable to move from a particular position or place, or unable to change a situation. It is a feeling of being trapped and unable to navigate through life's challenges.

How do you know if you are Stuck or Not ?

When you say you're stuck, you often find yourself in the "I don't know" mindset. It's as if you're at a crossroads, lacking direction and clarity. Instead of taking control of your life, you feel like life is happening to you, leaving you feeling helpless and overwhelmed.

Get Out of Default Mode

To break free from feeling stuck, you must muster the courage to take charge of your life. It requires stepping out of default mode, where the answers remain elusive in the realm of "I don't know." Although stepping out of your comfort zone might feel uncomfortable, the rewards are worth the initial discomfort.

Ask yourself: Do you feel adequate, capable, and determined? When you cultivate these empowering feelings, you will begin to break free from the spiral of stagnation.

What To Do About Feeling Stuck

Overcoming a feeling of being stuck entails two important steps: gaining clarity and creating a plan. Clarity comes from distinguishing between two types of freedom: freedom from and freedom to—a concept introduced by Dan Sullivan.

Freedom From

First and foremost, identify what you need freedom from. This could be your job, your business, your debt, your living situation, your mindset, or any other limiting factor in your life. Freedom from is about acknowledging the aspects of your life that you dislike. It requires making decisions and taking action to break free from these constraining circumstances. Although the process can be unsettling and painful, it is the first step toward reclaiming control of your life.

Leave When You're Happy

An important perspective shared by Brooke Castillo is to make the decision to leave your current situation when you are genuinely happy. Often, we rely on external factors such as our jobs, relationships, or finances to dictate our happiness. However, true happiness lies within ourselves. It is crucial to work on cultivating internal happiness and well-being before making any significant changes in our lives. When you leave because you genuinely want to, you are more likely to find fulfillment and success on the other side.

If You Don't Like Your Job

If unhappiness stems from your current job, take the time to pinpoint the reasons behind your dissatisfaction. You must explore the worst-case scenario if you were to quit and still not find satisfaction in a new job. What you'll realize is that the worst outcome is maintaining the status quo, living life as if it's happening to you. Embracing change, even if uncertain, offers the possibility of discovering a path that aligns with your true passions and ambitions.


For instance, I left my job as an attorney because it brought me immense unhappiness. Although I transitioned to a different career, happiness didn't automatically manifest itself in that new path. It was only when I prioritized my internal happiness that I experienced massive success in my business. On the other hand, leaving my career as a financial planner was a choice driven by a desire for freedom and control over my own business. It had little to do with my happiness at the time.

Freedom To

In addition to breaking free from undesirable circumstances, it's crucial to define what you want to move towards — your freedom to. This goes beyond mere reactions to creating something you genuinely love. It involves tapping into your creativity, leading to high performance and extraordinary results. However, this is often the more challenging aspect of getting unstuck. The lack of clarity regarding where you want to go contributes to the feeling of being stuck.

Figuring Out Where You Want To Go

Taking charge of your life and embarking on this liberating journey requires self-leadership. Once you adopt this mindset, you will naturally seek ways to unravel your desires since your happiness and success depend on you. Remember, whether you acknowledge it or not, you are already shaping your life. Take responsibility and give yourself the space to figure out where you truly want to go.

Do You Know Where You Want To Go?

Either you possess a clear vision of your destination or you don't. If you do, embrace it and take the necessary steps to pursue your dream. The agony of leaving your dreams unexplored is far worse than the challenges that accompany their pursuit. On the other hand, if you're uncertain about where you want to go, dedicate your efforts to figuring it out.

Get To Know Yourself

To uncover your desired path, you must engage in a journey of self-discovery. What you want to do with your life will naturally emerge from within, even though you will manifest it externally. There are various ways to get to know yourself, such as prayer or meditation. Reading and exploring different ideas can also help you gain insight into your passions and interests.

Ask Questions

Actively engaging your mind is crucial in solving the confusion that accompanies feeling stuck. Ask yourself thought-provoking questions and seek answers that simplify your decision-making process. Some examples of questions to consider include:

  • What do you want most out of life?
  • What does your dream life look like?
  • How much money do you want to make and possess?
  • What kind of work brings you fulfillment?
  • What type of relationship do you desire?
  • How much leisure time do you want?

More Questions

Additionally, think deeply and ask yourself more targeted questions such as:

  • What are your unique abilities?
  • What activities do you genuinely enjoy?
  • What tasks do you dislike?
  • Where can you find a market for your passions?

Create personalized questions that resonate with you and provide the answers you seek.

Figure It Out

Once you have gathered enough information and gained self-awareness, set yourself a deadline to make a choice. Dedicate specific time, such as every Sunday from 12pm to 4pm, to research and make decisions regarding getting unstuck. Make a firm commitment to your personal growth by taking actionable steps toward breaking free.

Ideas For Where You Want To Go

As you progress on your journey to overcome feeling stuck, consider the following ideas when envisioning where you want to head:

  • Purpose: What is your life's purpose? What gives your life meaning?
  • Contribution: How can you make a positive impact on the world?
  • Money: What financial goals do you want to achieve?
  • Relationship: What kind of connections and bonds do you desire?
  • Success: How do you define success and what does it mean to you?
  • Time: How do you want to spend your time? What balance do you seek between work and leisure?

Ultimately, how you live your life is entirely up to you. Take the driver's seat and approach each decision with a sense of purpose and intention.


Staying in the realm of "I don't know" only hinders your growth and potential in life. Remember, you were meant to grow, learn, and thrive from the moment you entered this world until your last breath. Embrace this journey, make decisions, try new things, accept failures, and keep moving forward. Avoid the trap of remaining stuck and seize the opportunity for a life filled with purpose, fulfillment, and success.

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