Quickstart Guide to Success on Instagram

How to grow Instagram followers

But they're afraid.
They’re afraid that they don’t deserve it…
That they’re not good enough and that they’ll fail…
That they’re not meant for a life of fame and fortune.

And they stay hidden… unknown… without getting any true fulfillment.
When I was first getting started, I had no thought of getting famous.
All I wanted to do was to take care of my mom, so we didn’t have to struggle.

So we didn’t have to stay in a one bedroom apartment and be a regular customer of expired products.

But after all these years, I found the true power of Instagram, and it feels fantastic to be able to impact more people than I could ever imagine...

And whatever goals and dreams you have, I want to help you get there.

With Instagram, there are endless of opportunities to build the exact lifestyle you want while enjoying the process.

That’s why I’m going to share with you 5 easy, quick action steps to Instagram success that you can implement right now to build your audience, impact people’s lives, and live the life you’ve always wanted.

1. Be an Aactive Socializer

Now, what do I mean by being an active socializer ? You see, one of the biggest mistakes people make when they try to build a social media following, is that they don’t engage with other people. Imagine this…

You want to plant an apple tree, so you can harvest the apples for food.

You plant the seed in the ground and leave it to grow on it’s own. But what happens?
It never grows.
It dies.

And it’s the same thing with people. If you don’t engage with people and especially your audience, they’ll eventually leave you go and follow someone who does engage with them.

Now, you may be wondering…
“How much should I do engage?”
It doesn’t have to be much.

Find someone in your niche with a big following and engage with their audience on a regular basis by commenting on their posts.

Once you do, you’ll push your name and people will start noticing you.

2. Hone your Writing Skill

This skill should NOT be underestimated - especially when it comes to writing your messages on social media. This skill has the power to transform lives on a deep level.

Imagine you post a picture of your dog.
Instead of writing, “This is my dog, and his name is Lucky”,

how can we make it more compelling and exciting to read?

As an example, we could write a story about the dog and use emotional words...

It could be something like…

Now, I’m not saying you should become a master writer. But when you’re writing your text and descriptions, think about the words you use and the story you want to tell the audience.

Are these emotional words, or could I find some more impactful words?

What kind of story can I tell about this picture or video? When you think about what you write and enhance it with even just a few percent…

Your impact on people will skyrocket. Guaranteed.

3. Find the Power Hour

The one great thing about social media, is the ability to connect with people from all over the world. What does that mean though?
Different time zone.

Most people make the mistake of thinking they should just upload the content immediately… without a strategy… without a plan.

That’s why their likes jump up and down like on a trampoline.

And that’s why their amount of followers stay low. So should you do instead?

For my team and I, we upload 3 different posts a day, each on specific hours, because that way we’re able to target people on THEIR best time - not OUR best time.
This requires some testing and is dependent on where your followers are from.

But here’s what I want you to do to simply things a bit. Set up a tracking sheet, and then create posts on different hours of the day.

Note down in your tracking sheet, which gets most likes, and try uploading content on that exact hour for a week or two and see what happens.

4. Build your highlight reel

One of the most underutilized features on Instagram is the highlight reels.
But why is that?

You see, most people focus on spitting out posts. And while that’s important as well, those posts end up drowning among the masses as time goes by.

Now, in case you don’t know what the highlight reels are, they are the story-highlights that appear right below your Instagram bio and above your posts.

But what makes the highlight reel a powerful tool to boost your Instagram profile?

You see, when new people discover your profile, what they do is skim, scroll, and scan.
What do I mean by that?

People are very guarded with their time, so they take a quick glimpse of your profile to determine if they’re interested in following it or not.

Having compelling highlight reels with astonishing cover images, catchy names, and in-depth content of who you are and what you do, attracts more followers and also makes your profile look professional.

Examples of simple, proven highlight reels are about your hobby, business, lifestyle, vacations, success stories or products (if you’re a business owner).

Pick one you like and start building your highlight reel today.

5. Fix the inside before the outside

Why does it seem like a handful of people get all the heavenly glory, while the rest struggle to get just a taste of it? You see, most people seek all the methods that are available to them.

And they still find themselves struggling to get even just a small win in life.

They wonder why life always stays the same…
Why life doesn’t give them more…
If they were meant to settle for less than they deserve.
But besides all the strategies and tactics, there’s something deeper.
You see, all the highly successful people and thought leaders have the millionaire mindset.

That’s the foundation of all success, and is mandatory to develop if you want to achieve your goals.

Now, you might be wondering, “How can I develop a millionaire mindset?”

It all starts with your beliefs about business… about people… about money… about life… about success.

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