How to Build Positive Nature

You might heard that whatever your mind can conceive, you can achieve. You are the person what your thoughts are. If you stay negative all the time it will attract more negativity in you and if you think positive, more positivity will comes within you. It is something ' like attract like.' therefore we have to stay positive for positive results.

How to build Positive Nature
So here's we are going to share the seven tips that will help you build a strong positive nature within you.

1. Replace 'Have' with 'Get'.

You have to replace 'have' with 'get'. It develops the positive nature and increase your productivity.  

For example, you are saying that I have to finish this project. Replace with that I Get to finish this project. 

What the Science Behind This...

Whenever you said like that I have to finish this project. Subsconsciously, it brings negativity in you. You don't like the to finish this project although you are forced to finish this project. You are not able to perform at your best. 

When you said like 'I get finish this project'. It brings positivity within you. Your subsconscious mind think you get a chance to finish this project and you are thankful for. 

Hence, you can perform the best at your work. 

2. Say More 'Thank You', it's powerful words.

Whenever someone help you in anyway. Give them return gift with the word 'Thank You'. You have to make them feel better when you say thank you. It would be more better if you add the 'reason' for being what you are thankful for. 

Example, Thank you for helping me ( Common ).

Thank you for giving your phone ( Specific). It will build positive nature within you. 

3. Never Downgrade Anyone.

If someone made a mistake, Don't make them feels bad. Instead of it, Say something that make them feel good. 

Example, if a person go for speech on the stage and they made a mistake. You have to tell them you did a good job. I like the way you perform the best at your work even it's your first time. It will increase their confidence and that person feel better. Plus, You made a good impression about yourself in front of that person. In this way, you can build a positive nature within you.

4. Bring Passion to Life.

It means never person multitask. You have to devote one work at a time. If you are sitting for reading then read only. If you are listening to your friends then listen carefully instead looking here and there or scrolling your phone. It will make people feel good. 

5. Be an Encouragers.

Never discouraged anyone. Instead of that encourage the people for their work. Don't say like you can't do this. Don't point out the negative things from their work. It will make bad impression. If you encourage them then you are in good book of that person. They like you more.

6. Drop the Resentment, Past is Past.

You have to live the present not the past. If you live in the past you can't do something great because you think more and more about past incidents due to which you can't perform at your best. Hence it will effect your future.

If you talk about the past that make a bad impression about you which is not good. So Focus on the Present.

7. Keep a Gratitude Journal.

Be praiseful to the God for the chance you get everyday. 

  • For the work you get
  • For the beautiful morning
  • For the education
  • For the time you have to visit

Write down at least 5 things in your diary for which you are grateful for. It will help you make a positive nature within you.


This is all about how you can build Positive Nature within you. Just follow this 7 Steps and your life will be change in upcoming days. You will experience the benefits for being positive nature's person.

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