Life's Greatest Lessons by Hall Urrban



Many people say that experience is our best teacher. Whether we fail or succeed in doing something, in the end, we gain lessons from it. Life lessons can lead you to improve and become a better person in the future. Experience teaches us how to understand things from different perspectives of life.In learning from the most meaningful life lessons, it is important to know that you are not too young or too old to learn.

Even a kid or an adult can discover the greatest life lessons, and it's not yet too late for them to find out.In this book, you will find out the greatest lessons about life. From those lessons and stories, you will be able to see the good in people and in life that you may have been overlooked. More than that, you will also see the greater potential within you. Through reading this book, you will discover the inner resources you possess to become the best person you can be.

Success is More Than Making Money

There are many common standards in the term success. But being successful in life is not determined by a person's possessions and money. It is also not determined by fame or age.Instead, being successful is about discovering what brings out the best in each individual. Often, money is viewed with misconception by people because they perceive it as either good or bad. However, being rich and happy with money is not evil, but the greediness that goes along with it is the reason for its misperception.

Because of society's view that wealth equates to success, many are trying to become instant millionaires through different opportunities. Still, the truth is that money is not the main determining factor towards being successful.

In the 1980s, stories of people who become millionaires and billionaires had been spread and broadcasted through different platforms. One of those stories is about Ivan Boesky, one of the financial masters of that period. Back then, lan used to tell people that money is equal to success. But months before that, he was sent to prison.

Aside from him, lots of companies in the corporate world are also blinded by money. Enron, the leading company by that time, was ruined because of how it reached the top. In the end, all those people and companies who are greedy and chasing money ended up losing their jobs, investors, employees, and even their insurances.Because most people believe that money is everything it takes to succeed, most are risking their health, relationships, and time to join the race. The greediness for money often negatively affects their lifestyle.

According to Tom Peters Group's interview with thousands of business executives, almost half of them still feel empty, and sixty-eight percent answered that they prioritized their jobs over their family. The people's greed for money will make them lose themselves, their happiness,and things they deem necessary. Being wealthy is not the main factor and limit of success.In knowing what it really means to be successful, you must first remember that you do not always have to be on top. Often, all you need is to give your best at everything you do.Instead of looking for money and be greedy, you should have to look deep within yourself first.In doing so, you will see your hidden capabilities and resources that would help you succeed. More than that, you will also find out the true happiness that money cannot give.

Life is Hard... And Not Always Fair

Life is a series of experiences, where one will undergo different feelings such as happiness and pain. But, of course, most of us would choose the idealistic way of living where pain and suffering are not present. However, we should realize that the reality is that life is hard.Along our life journey, we will be faced with challenges that would put us to the test. Surely, we can complain about the unfairness and struggles that we might experience, but having the courage to overcome and face those problems is a choice we can make.Hal Urban, the author of this book, once had a freshman student that he happened to teach before.

As a teacher in the World Studies classes, Hal gave his students some challenging assignments to make them think and work. Not long after he gave it, the student complained about how hard the homework was. Hal then simply told him that life is really difficult, and that is just how it is.

After some time, Hal was able to meet that student again. During their encounter, the student said that he was grateful for what Hal has taught him. By understanding that life is hard, the student could go through his problems and become a stronger version of himself.When we begin to accept that life is hard, it will be easier for us to overcome those challenges and embrace growth. Additionally, we will also begin to see every struggle as an opportunity for us to stand again and be a greater version of ourselves.

Aside from accepting that life is tough, we should also note that life is not always fair. Good things will not always happen to us as well as to other people. Sometimes, it happens when we least expect it. But despite the unfairness that we are experiencing on a daily basis, one thing is for sure — we are not alone in living the harsh reality of life.Although life is hard and unfair at times, it doesn't mean that it is not worth living and rewarding. At the end of the day, it is up to us how we will live life to the fullest despite the circumstances.
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