Life Capsules for Personal Growth Quotes by Moffat Machingura

 Moffat Machingura has a First Class Degree in Psychology, he is an author of 7 books including the popular Life Capsules for Success, How I Kissed Heartbreak Goodbye and Cinderella Taught me Lessons. In year 2015, Midlands State University made Moffat the first and only holder of the Excellence in Leadership Award for having “made the greatest impact to community life.” He is the founder of Ayoville Center - a Leadership Development and Life Improvement Coaching online center he founded in South Africa and has now established in Gweru, Zimbabwe.

Life capsules for personal growth

"The carterpillar that wishes to fly, must be first willing to transform into a butterfly. -Moffat Machingura"

“Sometimes your care points you to your call – what attracts your compassion reflects your calling.”

“There is a Superhero in everyone, only that it is suppressed by our desire to fit in.”

“Isn’t it sad how it takes us a lifetime to understand that we can never be understood?”

“You need to grow from knowing WHEN you were born, to knowing WHY.”

“If everyone understands you, then you are not your real you.”

“I rather fail at being my true self than succeed at being a mimicry of someone else.”

“You might not be born for all, but definitely you are born for some.”

“Many have succeeded at doing what others have done, but no-one has ever succeeded at being someone else.”

“We feel uncomfortable standing out, this is because being outstanding feels as lonely as being out of place.”

“The fact that you fit inwith them does not mean you belong to them.”

“Good works can be despised for a day but not forever.”

“One of the most tiresome tasks of life is trying to be someone else.”

“The beauty of being tried and tested…and fallen, is that it shows you a weakness you never thought you had.”

“Your value lies in the values you have chosen to keep.”

“If you cannot discover your destiny then just decide on something and live for it; it is your decision that will lead you to your discovery.”

“What do you want to be, now that you are grown up?”

“Life is not about how many days you have lived, life is about how many days you are left with.”

“Your complaints show you what you have to run away from; your ambitions show what you have to run to.”

“All the disappointments of life say something about your experiences, but they say nothing about your value. You are special despite all you have gone through!”

“The world will give you laughter, but happiness is something you will have to make on your own.”

“I cannot change what the world may do to you, but I can change how you react to what the world does.”

“All the pain that ever happened in your life, it happened to your body it didn’t happen to you.”

“What we memorise can be the same, but how we understand will always be different.”

“It’s not what we know but how we understand what we know – that is the difference that causes the difference!”

“People don’t fear learning, they fear change; so they run away from learning because learning causes change.”

“Reading makes you know, thinking makes you learn.”

“It is just as important to know who you should learn from as it is to know what you should learn.”

“There is a pain that leads to pleasure and a pleasure that leads to pain. Wisdom is interpreting pain and 

pleasure not in terms of how they feel but where they lead.”

“Even those who persisted on being stupid, they one day met a deadly end that showed their stupidity. Persistence alone can be a source of great enlightenment.”

“Caution is the only fear that comes through wisdom.”

“Though humans have two eyes, they have been gifted with only one focus.”

“We all are born into the world with our own world trapped within us.”

“The world is bigger than where your eyes end to see.”

“Where there is life there is growth and the absence of growth is the presence of death.”

“To move the world you begin by moving yourself.”

“Familiarity breeds comfort. That is how our pursuit for predictability hinders us from progress.”

“Intuition without imagination is like words without a voice; imagination without intuition is like a voice without words.”

“Intuition finds the invisible, imagination embraces the invisible.”

“In a moment the heart will know what will take eternity for the mind to describe.”

“It’s only those who believe in themselves who can believe in others.”

“The trust built in a period of years can be lost in a moment of suspicion.”

“The time you spend criticising others, is the same amount of time you will need to build your life, to make your own mistakes and to receive your own criticisms.”

“Measure the journey not by the thrill of travel but by the place of arrival.”

“If you only had one chance to live your life how differently would you live it? Then go do it because this is the only life chance you have.”

“You start to be wise when you know you have little. Always live knowing you have little time left.”

“Fantasy is when you still think it is going to be easy. A mature dream is when you know no-matter how hard it gets, it will be worth it.”

“When a river takes a rest, it stops being a river; mud and salt fills it. Always stay up to something. Running waters are never salty.”

“It is when words meet action that life begins to happen.”

“We must beware lest what we have built by our words, we may destroy by our works.”

“To spend your life fulfilling your faith, or to live it fulfilling your fears – it’s all up to you.”

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