Life Capsules for Your Faith

Inspirational Quotes

A life capsule for your faith is a metaphorical vessel that encapsulates the essence of your spiritual beliefs and convictions. It serves as a repository for the core principles that guide your faith journey.
This unique capsule is not a physical object but a conceptual construct representing the profound aspects of your spiritual life. Inside, you can place your most cherished beliefs, values, and experiences that have shaped your faith, allowing you to carry them with you on your life's journey.
Just as a physical capsule preserves its contents over time, your faith capsule helps you preserve and nurture your beliefs, providing you with a source of inspiration, strength, and guidance in moments of doubt or adversity. It acts as a reminder of your spiritual identity, fostering a deeper connection to your faith and serving as a testament to the enduring nature of your beliefs.

“The fact that you were born in pain, doesn’t mean you were born for pain.”

“The most powerful prayers don’t just change our circumstances, they change us. They make us chase after what used to chase after us. They make us stand in a world where everything is falling apart.”

“God doesn’t dwell in the house of worship but in the worship of the house.”

“Our power is not in our prayers, it is in the God who hears us when we pray.”

“There is no future in tomorrow, the future is in you and tomorrow is just a vessel in which to place the future.”

“Your heart is the crystal ball of your life. Take a moment look intently into it – in it you shall find the answers to who you should become.”

“Believe in God and believe in yourself. Believe in yourself because the God you believe in believes in you.”

“Your scars don’t only show what pain you once felt, they also show whose pain you can still feel.”

“One day the people who laughed at you for being good, will come asking you to help them be like you.”

“Who is God? And what are we? God is love and we are the bodies that express His love.”

“Once I was as heavy as a rock, So nobody carried me, then I became as light as a feather, still I was dropped, but at least I was too light to get hurt.”

“Sometimes we get used to complications of life so much that we cannot stand simplicity when it comes.”

“Nothing is new under the sun. Every sunny day and every stormy night that has passed by your life has already passed by many other people’s lives as well.”

“I looked at men and thought I’m Mankind, but when I looked at God I found I’m GodKind.”

“When days are dark Watch deep inside you, there is always a flickering light of hope saying, “Everything will be alright." Take that voice, believe it, you shall NOT be ashamed - for it is the voice of the Almighty promising your success.”

“If you quit being good because of people who mock you, then those people will never change because you quit being the example.”

“Jesus. The story of His life has become the life of my story!”

“The whole purpose of the winepress is to preserve the grapes. Accept Pressing moments. What you accomplish in a moment of pressure will be used forever.”

“God works two kinds of miracles: He can give us what we don't have or He can open our eyes so we can see what we already have.”

“Don’t ask God to change the world FOR you, ask God to change the world THROUGH you.”

“A lifetime is not measured by the ticks of the clock, but by the changes in our lives.”

“Your journey begins when you don’t know where to go.”

“Follow the “Wow” till you find the “Aha.”

“Confidently step into the future, knowing that God has got you this far as a promise that He is able to get you beyond.”

“It takes wisdom to desire wisdom.”

“The truth feels like it hurts, yet actually it builds. A lie feels like it builds, yet actually it hurts.”

“Being forgiven by others is easy; the real hard thing is forgiving yourself.”

“To successfully live for Jesus, Don't look behind because your past has its mistakes; but look into your heart, because it is the only part of you that knows Jesus is worth living for.”

“The heart can know in a moment, what can take eternity for the mind to describe.”

“To spend your life fulfilling your faith, or to live it fulfilling your fears – it’s all up to you.”

“Your perception of reality is influencing your life more than reality itself.”

“What your ear hears affects what your eye sees.”

“If you want to give people life, give them words.”

“Our circumstances are vacancies for God's blessings.”

“The most important thing is not what you receive by being blessed, but who you become by being blessed.”

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