The Hidden Influence Of the 4 Elements

 Let see What does Your Elements Say about You...

The Hidden Influence Of the 4 Elements

WaterEarthFireAir. This isn’t just an opening phrase to a fantasy book or movie. It is also a very important foundation to modern astrology. Zodiac element meanings vary, and they influence each sign – and person – greatly.

You may know there are 12 signs of the zodiac, but do you know the element of each sign? 
There are four elements: fire, earth, air, and water, or three signs per each element – this is called a triplicity by modern astrologers. 

1. Fire Signs: Creativity 

The first of the four traditional elements is fire, and it doesn't take an astrologer to guess what that means. Ancient astrologers associated fire with the life force of creation - think of the original fireball: the Big Bang.

This assignment still exists.

Fire produces warmth in the form of excitement, activity, and desire. People born under these dynamic and outgoing signs are energetic and bouncy, imaginative and bold.You are also restless and impatient and have a reserve of creativity and vision.
However, they find it difficult to accept limitations, which makes them vulnerable to burnout. In the zodiac cycle, each element has a function.

The earth offers stability. The air communicates.Water creates tension. But only fire can give the first impulse of the creative energy that sets the world in motion.

The fire signs, which are known for their energy and drive, include the following:
  •  Aries the Ram (March 20 to April 18), the sign of cardinal fire. It’s impulsive, daring and gifted at setting things in motion.
  •  Leo the Lion (July 23 to August 22), the sign of fixed fire. It’s vibrant, confident, and brimming with determination.
  •  Sagittarius the Archer (November 22 to December 21), the sign of mutable fire. It’s independent, adventurous, and spontaneous.
Even though these signs differ in many ways, they share the life-affirming vitality that fire brings.

2. Earth Signs: Stability

Just as the universe was created with the fireball of the Big Bang, so the zodiacal cycle begins with a fiery explosion. Fire produces heat, light and movement. But what's the use of all this burning if it leads to nothing? Without land, the fire would go out like a firework ray in the night sky. 
The earth sends the energy of fire to the ground and turns the crackle into something tangible.They are stable, reasonable, productive, persistent and materialistic, not necessarily in a bad sense. 
Unlike less realistic signs, earth signs understand and respect material things, including money. They are also sensual and sensitive people who love the physical world. Fire undoubtedly emits sparks. The air causes a storm.And no one understands the impact of emotions like water. But if you really want to do something, look at Earth

The earth signs, recognized for their productivity and pragmatic approach to life, include the following:
  •  Taurus the Bull (April 19 to May 20), the sign of fixed earth. Taurus is known for its persistence, its longing for security, and – in case you thought that earth signs are only about practicality – its love of pleasure.
  •  Virgo the Virgin (August 23 to September 22), the sign of mutable earth. Virgo is famed for its analytical mind, its attention to detail, and its tendency to be a perfectionist.
  •  Capricorn the Sea Goat (December 22 to January 19), the sign of cardinal fire. The Goat is resourceful, conscientious, and ambitious.
These signs share a desire to make a tangible contribution.

3. Air Signs: Intelligence

Air stands for intelligence and reason. It is an element of the intellect and those born under its influence are known for their ability to see things together. Air signs
are bright, curious, versatile and intellectually restless. Your mind is always active and always trying to understand. As crazy as it may sound, people with these signs actually think about signs and try to do so objectively and thoroughly.

You value ideas and love conversation. Despite their reputation for being a bit too objective and distant at times, they are also very outgoing, connecting friends, relatives and random strangers in a network of relationships.
In a long astrological tradition, each of the four elements has been assigned to three signs of the zodiac.

The air signs, which are legendary for their mental prowess, include the following:
  •  Gemini the Twins (May 21 to June 20), the sign of mutable air. Gemini is known for its curious, lively mind, sparkling personality and capricious ways.
  •  Libra the Scales (September 23 to October 22), the sign of cardinal air. Libra is recognized for its balanced intellect, sense of fairness, great sensitivity, as well as for the importance it places on partnership.
  •  Aquarius the Water Bearer (January 20 to February 18), the sign of fixed air. Aquarius is celebrated for its forward-looking ideas, unique and often eccentric interests, and free-spirited personality. 
Air signs share a desire to make connections and to communicate.

4. Water Signs: Emotion

Water represents emotion, and those born under its influence tend to be flooded with sentiments. Profoundly sensitive, they’re vulnerable and active, first responders on the most human front of all.

They’re also hugely intuitive and occasionally psychic. They include:
  •  Cancer the Crab (June 21 to July 22), the sign of cardinal water. Cancer is famed for its emotional acuity, sympathetic nature, and love of home.
  •  Scorpio the Scorpio (October 23 to November 21), the sign of fixed water. Scorpio is recognized for its intensity, magnetism, and ability to burrow deep, both psychologically and intellectually.
  •  Pisces the Fish (February 19 to March 19), the sign of mutable water.
  • Ruled by elusive Neptune, Pisces is compassionate, impressionable, gentle, and imaginative.
The water signs share an emotional sensitivity and a well-developed sense of intuition.
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