How To Submit Your Blogger Website Or Wordpress For Google News Approval: Google News Approval

Getting your Blogger website or WordPress site approved for Google News can help increase your visibility and drive more traffic to your content. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to submit your website for Google News approval:

1. Ensure Eligibility:

     - Google News is primarily for news and journalistic content. Make sure your website focuses primarily on news topics and provides original and timely news articles.

     - Make sure your website adheres to the Google News content policies, which include guidelines for content quality, rights, transparency and technical aspects.

2. Create High Quality Content:

     - Before submitting your website, make sure that you have sufficient amount of high-quality news content. Aim for at least 3 months of regular publication, preferably with several articles per day.

     - Focus on creating original and unique news articles that provide value to your readers. Avoid duplicate content or articles that are primarily promotional or advertising in nature.

3. Configure Your Website:

     For blogger:

       - Sign in to your Blogger account and go to the "Settings" section.

       - Under the "Basic" tab, make sure you have a proper site title and description that reflects the news focus of your website.

       - Configure your post settings to display the date and time each article was published.

       - Enable search engine indexing to allow Google to crawl and index your content.

     - For WordPress:

       Install an SEO plugin like Yoast SEO or All in One SEO Pack to optimize your website for search engines.

       - Make sure your website has a proper site title and tagline that focuses on the news.

       - Configure the permalink structure to include the post title and date.

4. Apply Structured Data Markup:

     Structured data markup helps search engines understand the content and structure of your news articles.

     - Include essential structured data markup on your website to provide information such as title, article body, publication date, author and other relevant details. You can use markup or news-specific markup such as "article" or "newsarticle".

5. Submit Your Website to Google News:

     - Visit the Google News Publisher Center at

  •      - Sign in with your Google Account and click on the "Get Started" button.
  •      - Enter the required information about your website, such as the name of the publication, website URL, and language.
  •      - Follow the instructions to verify your ownership of the website. This may involve adding meta tags or uploading an HTML file to the root directory of your website.
  •      - Once verified, you can submit your website for review by clicking on the "Request news feature" button.

6. Monitoring and Correction:

  •      - After you submit your website, it may take some time for Google to review your application. Monitor your website performance and continue producing high quality news content.
  •      - Take note of any feedback or rejection reasons provided by Google and make any necessary improvements to meet their guidelines.
  •      - If your application is rejected, you can reapply after addressing the issues mentioned in the rejection notice.

Remember that getting approved for Google News is not guaranteed, and Google has strict guidelines to maintain the quality and integrity of its news platform. It is important to consistently produce high-quality news content and adhere to their policies to increase your chances of approval.

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