Women Psychology - Understand Them to Impress Her

Winning women's heart is not a game like like playing chess, it's a game of psychology... If you want to impress women, then you need to understand the woman behaviour. You can know about women by understanding the psychology of women...

So, Let's Dive in the psychology of Women 

Looking nice is important to every woman.

Genuine compliments will take you a long way.

Girls usually fell for those guys in whom they can see their father's shadow if you want to impress her just observe and behave like her father.

Women Psychology - Understand Them to Impress Her

Girls who laugh and talk a lot usually cry alone at night girls like the boys who asks them for advice. 

Whenever a boy says I love you to a girl she feels that she is the most beautiful woman in the world. 

Girls love it when you compliment call them intelligent, call them smart,  call them pretty,surprise.

Gifts flowers and holidays are always welcome may be a cliche point but does wonders to make her feel special.

 A girl feels sad when she misses her love but she will feel 100 times more sadder when she comes to know that the opposite person is not missing her.  


A girl cannot keep a secret for more than 47 hours she would share with someone definitely.

Girl spends one year of their lifetime just to decide which dress to wear.  

When a girl is in love she will never think about any other guy so if your lady is more interested to talk about other guys while dating you dude she don't love you move on.

A girl might not trust her boyfriend every time but she would always love her beloved and trusted one.

A woman will never like you over praising another woman even your mother.

Women tend to fall in love with those who talk naughty if she teases you and gives you nicknames she is usually attracted to you and sees you as more than a friend.

Girls love their father the most but sadly it's their father who in most of the cases forces her to marry someone of his choice rather than of her choice.

Makeouts are more emotional for females as compared to males for males it's more physical. 

Seventy percent of girls use silence to express pain.


Forty percent deliveries in america are of unmarried women.


Girls are more romantic than boys but they will never show or admit it when she is attracted towards man. She speaks in a higher pitch than normal.

Girls often take decisions on the basis of emotions rather than going by logic.

The average woman owns 19 pairs of shoes but only wear seven pairs.

Most of the girls are very insecure about themselves so they get really jealous and hate it when you praise other girls in front of them.

Girls are better at multitasking.

Girls are more likely to say I am sorry because they are more likely to think they have done something wrong.  

52 of girls would like to lose weight but only 33 percent think they are overweight.

Taller women are more likely to get cancer.

Women spend over four years of their lives menstruating every 90 seconds. One woman dies during pregnancy or childbirth.

Girls heart beat faster than guys if you want to win in an argument.

Just be quiet for a while and see the result women tend to remember more of those who ignore them than those who constantly talk to them.

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