How to Attract Women [ Top 50 Tips and Tricks ]

Here's Top 50 Tips, Rules, Do's and Don'ts to Attract People to You!

1. Tips

When using a wingman, it might be even better to use a wing-woman. As an advantage to get your foot in the door, re- member that it is sometimes easier for women to talk without their guard up compared to two guys approaching them. Also, girls are competitive when it comes to getting a man's atten- tion. When they see you with a woman, they are much more likely to find you worthy of their time.

2. Tips

How to attract women

Try to get a girl to be interested, not just impressed. The goal of tricks is to gain her attention, not just trick her. If you can gain her interest, you are all set to her wanting more. In others words, don't try to pursue women, but rather make them attracted to you. Too many guys prowl and pursue.

3. Tips.

free tips on how to attract women

Women will be much more attracted to you if the people you are hanging out with are smiling at you or admiring you. Therefore, it's okay to just have fun around her with anyone. Impress the circle then you impress her.

4. Tips

Tricks alone won't necessarily impress girls. Find a way to convey your personality while you perform tricks.

5. Tips

Besides the ideas in this book, don't forget the rest of the common sense rules in life. You know, being a gentleman in addition to being cool, confident and fun. It does not make you less funny or cool to open doors, give a helping hand and be- ing kind when the opportunity arises.

6. Tips

Go by how a girl acts and not by what she says if you are confused by her.

7. Tips 

If you get a girl's number, consider sending her a text mes- sage by "mistake." Send a message to her on purpose that clearly looks extended for another girl. Try something like this, "I loved our walk at the park and laughing with you at the movies." Text something you obviously did not do with the girl you are sending this too. You have to decide on how great of a connection you had. If you are both love at first sight, this should be potentially avoided. However, in the causal dating world of first dates, this can make her really curious, jealous, competitive and eager to connect soon. If she calls you out about the mistaken message, obviously it was "meant" for someone else. "The names are in the phone right after each other."

8. Tips

If doing a card trick that requires a name to be signed on the card, always follow with "...and your phone number right there." Do this the instant they are finishing writing their name on the card and say it in a half joking tone. You'd be surprised how often they just do it for fun. If you are serious or not, this catches people off guard. Remember, most card tricks where a card can be chosen can have a name written on them for "verification" purposes later.

9. Do's and Don'ts

Don't ask obvious questions like, "How old are you?", "What do you do?", etc. Instead, be a little witty and ask, "You must make money somehow, do you like your job? I love hearing how people make a living..." Ask off beat questions like, "What's the coolest place you've ever been." Try to find ways to make tangental questions to show you are fun and creative. For instance, if she says she works with kids, immediately say something like, "Oh, what the heck do you do about all those germs! Don't you watch the news!?" If she says she likes water sports, say, "Are you crazy? Haven't you seen Jaws?"

10. Rules

Mystery breeds curiosity. Don't let on how your tricks work. Keep the mystery a mystery.

11. Rules

Bragging and showboating are pointless and short term. Ambition, on the other hand will get attention.

12. Tricks

When asking a girl to go out, dance, walk or whatever, show that you are interested but be sure to convey that you do not need her to have a good time. Have a frame of mind that you are not desperate and that you are going to have a great time with or without her... and that you'd really like her to be part of it. Be polite, confident and genuine but not needy!

13. Tips

Don't waste time chasing women that are not interested in you or interesting to you!

14. Tips

If a women tells you she has a boyfriend right away, respectfully say, "I'm sorry, I didn't know having a boyfriend kept people from making new friends. It was good to meet you anyways." Walk away and do not look back. If she lied, she may very well change her mind later. If a guy finally shows up, then it is better that you didn't interfere.

15. Tips

If you are in the position of arranging a call or meeting up again, do not leave it vague! Do not say, "Well, call me whenever and we'll get together sometime..." Be very clear that you will call her by the end of the week. Do not leave it unclear.

16. Tips

It's all about enjoying life. Entertain yourself with her and know that you will not win them all. It's not a big deal.

17. Tips

You can be very confident but try not to be too serious.

18. Tricks

Do not ask permission. Just do the dang trick, make the move, give her a hug or ask her to join you. When asking for a number, don't say, "Can I get your number?" Instead say, "What's your number?"

19. Tips

Have a good handshake. In fact, a firm, controlled hand shake followed by a gentle covering with the left hand feels sincere and confident. Depending on the situation, you might test for personality here and go for the complex multi- handshake done between guy friends. This will throw her off and test if she has any personality at all. I'd save this tactic for casual meetings and not when you really want to impress someone.

20. Tips

Role reversal is fun. Act as if she is hitting on you!


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