How To Use Persuasion To Ethically Motivate People [ Session -1 ]

In this program you’re going to learn how to ethically use persuasion to motivate people to think, says, and do what you want them to do. This training is going to teach you the ethical part of persuasion so that your interests and the interests of others are aligned.

How To Use Persuasion To Ethically Motivate People [ Session -1 ]

  • • Persuasion is fascinating, intriguing and scary. It implies trickery and manipulation to some people.
  • This training is going to teach you the ethical part of persuasion so that your interests and the interests of others are aligned.
  • • If you don’t understand why people make decisions and how to influence them, then you won’t be able to use persuasion consciously.
  • • If you do understand persuasion, how it works, and practice it you can influence yourself and others with very little effort.
  • • The Power Of Persuasion - You’ll be able to motivate and lead others in a way that unites you with them, builds common success, and gives you an ability to create a successful life that’s even greater than the power of persuasion itself.
  • • There is nothing wrong in persuading others and influencing people to take action. It’s all about the conscious intention that you apply to the act of influence and persuasion.
  • • In fact, most people want to be persuaded. The more choices that we have the more difficult it is to choose. We’re not wired to be able to affectively choose between so many similar options.
  • • Humans get confused, overwhelmed, and run out of will power. We actually get fatigued from making decisions as we run out of our will power. We look to others to help persuade us to be the actualized part of ourselves and be the best version of ourselves.
  • • Its important to master persuasion so you can influence others to take action and get the results that they want.
  • • Don’t hide the fact that you are trying to persuade someone, have it out in the open. Not only will it still work, but you’ll also build a relationship and rapport.
  • • Direct Persuasion - telling someone what to do, how to act, etc.
  • • Indirect Persuasion - Non-obvious motivators that help someone make the decision themselves where you appear uninvolved.
  • • By persuading you’re not trying to control someone. You’re trying to nudge them to take action, see things from a different perspective, and to influence others.
  • • Remember that humans are built on the framework of our ancient, animal brains. Look at Paul McLean’s “Triune Brain Theory”.
  • • Humans are self-motivating machines. For the most part, these motivations are “preprogrammed” from our animal pasts.
  • • Persuasion is about counterintuitive, non-obvious elements that are running in the subconscious. Many of the drives we are responding to (sex, security, money, power) have been made wrong by culture and religion. So, the things we need to do to take control are not obvious.
  • • Persuasion is not having complete or direct control over someone. We want to influence and collaborate with them in a way that helps them and helps us. Be part of the process.


  • • How will your life be in the future if you don’t learn and master persuasion? How will it be if you do learn and master it? Go out 5, 10, and 20 years.
  • • Do you see yourself as a leader, influencer, and persuader of others?
  • • Take out a piece of paper and write the answers to these questions:
  • • Who do you need to persuade to reach the level of success you want to reach?
  • • What do you need to persuade them to do?
  • • What will happen in the future if you successfully persuade them to do what you want them to do?
  • • What will happen if you don’t persuade them?

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