Marketing Quotes to Get Customers and Keep Them

We searched the high and low places of the internet to find the most inspirational marketing quotes to help change your perspective on your latest marketing conquest. May their words of wisdom inspire your success!

Digital Marketing quotes
A strong brand gives customers confidence — and leads to higher prices and higher demand.

Marketing is managing perceived value.

If you do nothing else about marketing strategy, make sure you determine your target markets and your positioning!

The product/market strategy is the strategy for marketing a specific product or service to a specific group of customers.

Managers control features, but customers buy benefits.

Everyone knows what quality means to them, but everyone’s 
definition of quality may not agree.

You should treasure tough competitors — they keep you tough.

Different competitors may have different business objectives.

Customers tell you what they want. Your organization’s capabilities determine what you can do for them.

A competitive advantage is a capability that allows an 
organization to provide one or more benefi ts to customers in the target market at a level superior to that of their competitors.

A benefi t advantage is a benefit to which customers in the target market assign a high priority and which the organization provides at a level superior to that of their competitors.

These assumptions are the foundation for your marketing plan.

Any segmentation system requires you to know benefits customers want and customer characteristics.

Each segment you choose to go after requires and deserves its own special marketing strategy.

The two dimensions you would use to decide where to play poker are the same dimensions you should use in selecting business opportunities and target markets.

Positioning consists of one, two, or perhaps three benefits that customers want and that you can provide at a level superior to your competitors.

Brands are built with relentless consistency — over time and over markets.

The reason moves on the growth matrix are considered risky is that whenever you move to a new market or to a new product or service, you need to acquire new management knowledge.

Moving down the main diagonal of the growth matrix is especially risky because it requires you to acquire both customer and product information at the same time.

A marketing strategy must have the customer at the center to be successful.

Positioning guides design and communications.

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