You Need to do these things as a Content Creator

Hey if you belong of any of the given then you should read that on which niche relevant you are. many people becomes blogger, course creator, YouTubers, and social media etc. But they don't know what to do. So what are these expertise are doing when they are as mentioned below..

Bloggers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Course Creators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Youtubers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Social Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Coaches and Consultants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Affiliate Marketers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Email Marketers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 


How bloggers are doing perfectly

If you are a blogger then you must know these things.. Many bloggers can't able to comp with the new ideas. So it'll help you to be best bloggers and earnings high passive income... Let's dive in what blogger should do:

  • 1. Design your logo
  • 2. Design a custom homepage
  • 3. Customize your theme
  • 4. Design PDF layout for your lead magnet
  • 5. Create book cover image for your lead magnet
  • 6. Render 3D book cover for your lead magnet
  • 7. Install pop-up to promote your lead magnet
  • 8. Connect pop-up to your autoresponder
  • 9. Add your follow-up email sequence to your autoresponder
  • 10. Monitor and improve website speed and page load times
  • 11. Monitor Google Search console for errors and fix
  • 12. Harden WordPress installation with antispam, anti-hacking, & anti-malware improvements
  • 13. Move your website from a slow host to a faster host (like this one)

Course Creators

  • 1. Design a custom logo for your product
  • 2. Create a branded product image
  • 3. Design product images for each bonus
  • 4. Create 3D renderings of all product images
  • 5. Get a pro copywriter to write high-converting sales copy
  • 6. Transform your sales letter into a dedicated landing page on thrive Architect or LeadPages
  • 7. Set up product(s) in shopping cart with custom product images On your checkout page
  • 8. Connect your shopping cart to your learning management system
  • 9. Connect your shopping cart to your autoresponder and set up tagging so you can identify customers within your email marketing system
  • 10. Add your follow-up emails to a new automation that welcomes customers to the course
  • 11. Lay out all course components on your learning management system
  • 12. Write high-converting Facebook ads
  • 13. Set up shopping cart abandonment emails from your autoresponder
  • 14. Add your Facebook pixel to every page on your site
  • 15. Set up retargeting ads on Facebook
  • 16. Set up cold traffic ads on Facebook
  • 17. Set up cart abandonment campaigns on Facebook ads
  • 18. Write a split test of your headline and hook
  • 19. Set up a split test of your sales page to see which version performs better
  • 20. Moderate comments in your course or help moderate conversations in your premium Facebook group
  • 21. Create audio versions of your training videos and add to course to increase value
  • 22. Transcribe your course content to add PDF transcriptions for each lesson to add value
  • 23. Collect testimonials from customer comments in Facebook group or in each lesson
  • 24. Research your top “competitors” who currently have your perfect audience to see who might love your course; find their social media and email information for affiliate outreach
  • 25. Conduct outreach and book your Zoom meetings with potential affiliates to help you get other influencers mailing Your offers as an affiliate.


You want to be YouTubers but don't know how to start as begginers. When you read this you can come up with idea what professional YouTubers are doing. 

  • 1. Conduct keyword research
  • 2. Write compelling titles
  • 3. Write SEO-optimized tags
  • 4. Research top 10 thumbnails for videos currently ranking for your target keyword
  • 5. Create thumbnail templates based on highest performing thumbnails
  • 6. Research the top five performing videos within the last year From your biggest competitors
  • 7. Edit your videos
  • 8. Find relevant B-roll and add to videos to improve view duration
  • 9. Create transcriptions from your videos and deliver .SRT file to upload
  • 10. Rip MP3 from your videos and create a podcast episode
  • 11. Upload podcast episode to your podcast host to update your feed
  • 12. Create blog post for video
  • 13. Research royalty-free images to accompany blog post
  • 14. Publish your new blog post to your blog
  • 15. Create 60 second to 3 minute videos from the longer video for social media marketing
  • 16. Add transcription visibly to social videos so they can be understood with volume off
  • 17. Upload social videos to LinkedIn
  • 18. Upload social videos to Instagram
  • 19. Upload social videos to Facebook fan page
  • 20. Create multiple tweets to promote your video

Social Media

  • 1. Handle 100% of your graphic design
  • 2. Audit your past social media efforts from last two years to find what has worked best
  • 3. Recreate new versions of highest engaged posts from the past two years
  • 4. Audit your top competitors’ social media from the last two years to find what has worked best
  • 5. Recreate new versions of their highest engaged posts from the past two years
  • 6. Set up social media marketing automation with a management tool (like Buffer)
  • 7. Build a queue of posts in Buffer and a schedule so your social media is always updated
  • 8. Create a Pinterest pin for every blog post you have published
  • 9. Upload Pinterest pins to the most relevant Pinterest board
  • 10. Optimize each Pinterest board for specific keywords with the title and description
  • 11. Create Pinterest pins for your YouTube videos to promote your channel
  • 12. Join five relevant LinkedIn groups for your brand and engage with the top comments.
  • 13. Join five relevant Facebook groups for your brand and engage with the top comments
  • 14. Find the most engaged comments or questions inside facebook and LinkedIn groups
  • 15. Create a list of “frequently asked questions” from auditing the groups so you can create content or courses answering those common questions with the most engagement
  • 16. Find influencers in your space who sell paid “shoutouts”
  • 17. Negotiate paid shoutouts to gain exposure to the influencers in your space
  • 18. Conduct research to get review copies of your products into the hands of influencers in exchange for reviews
  • 19. Researcher best content from last year and create new social media assets to re-promote your old content
  • 20. Moderate your comments and DM inboxes on all platforms to eliminate spam and develop relationships with the other creators and influencers in your space.

Coaches and Consultants

  • 1. Review applications from individuals interested in working with you
  • 2. Book discovery calls/sales calls with potential clients
  • 3. Manager calendar for all coaching sessions and coordinate with coaching clients to manage any schedule changes
  • 4. Handle 100% of your social media marketing
  • 5. Handle 100% of your blogging
  • 6. Compile your top 30 blog posts that teach your core methods and/or explain how you help clients into a manuscript that can be turned into a Kindle book
  • 7. Create Kindle book cover
  • 8. Create the interior Kindle book design with embedded CTAs
  • linking readers to your application process or your discovery call process
  • 9. Publish your book to Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing)
  • 10. Write a compelling description for your book
  • 11. Research the most valuable keywords that your best potential customers are searching for to help you get traffic from Google
  • 12. Outline blog posts based on these most viable keywords
  • 13. Publish the blog posts on your website after you create epic content.
  • 14. Create Pinterest pins for each blog post on your website
  • 15. Pin each to a relevant board with keyword-focused titles and descriptions
  • 16. Pull the most impacting snippets from each blog post for twitter marketing
  • 17. Queue all Twitter messages into Buffer for hands-off Twitter management
  • 18. Research the top 10 tweets based on engagement from your 10 most influential competitors on Twitter
  • 19. Find the top 10 Instagram posts based on engagement from your 10 most influential competitors on Instagram
  • 20. Analyze the top 10 LinkedIn posts based on engagement from your top 10 most influential competitors on LinkedIn.

Affiliate Marketers

Affiliate Marketing is one of the easiest way to start online business sitting at homes with zero investment..  You know know the basics things about affiliate marketing, isn't it ? But I don't know what Affiliate Masters are doing..
Let's read what are they doing as an affiliate marketer.

  • 1. Handle 100% of the writing
  • 2. Conduct product research
  • 3. Publish your content to your WordPress blog
  • 4. Create unique Pinterest pins for each blog post
  • 5. Publish your Pinterest pins to optimized Pinterest boards with keyword-rich titles and descriptions
  • 6. Weekly check affiliate links on your most valuable posts, making sure they are live
  • 7. Replace dead links with live ones
  • 8. Monitor and Improve website speed
  • 9. Audit affiliate sales to find most valuable posts
  • 10. Pull key performance indicators for most valuable posts (monthly impressions, clicks and clickthrough rate)
  • 11. Audit Google Search results for your most valuable keyword phrases to find blogging competitors who outrank you
  • 12. SEO audit each competitor to find out how many words, H1s, and H2s they have on their posts; compare with your posts to make SEO suggestions
  • 13. Conduct keyword research to find low-difficulty, high-search volume phrases your audience is searching for.
  • 14. Search in niche-relevant online forums for the most engaged topics and questions discussed by your audience
  • 15. Outline new blog posts based on the forum research

Email Marketers

  • 1. Audit your follow-up sequence to find the open rate and click-through rate from every email in your automated sequence
  • 2. Audit your broadcast emails each month for the previous month to find the open rates and click-through rate from every email
  • 3. Create a spreadsheet that contains the subject line, open rate, and click-through rate for every email
  • 4. Hire a conversion-focused email copywriter to improve your conversions
  • 5. Scrub your email list by identifying and segmenting out individuals who have not opened an email in six+ months
  • 6. Set up proper tagging and segments so you can quickly identify email customers apart from leads who have not purchased
  • 7. Install engagement tracking to create segments of your audience who have opened in the last seven days and in the last 14 days so you can speak to your most engaged audience
  • 8. Weekly monitor the conversion rate of your opt-in page
  • 9. Run A/B split tests on your opt-in page to improve conversions
  • 10. Create more compelling copy for your opt-in page to improve conversions

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