101 Headline Scripts That Get More Click than Ever


What’s the Headline for?

It’s the Ad for the Ad. Use your headline to:
• Arrest Your Prospect
• Make a quality announcement
• Make it newsworthy & Editorialise it
• Put a price in your headline, or a reduced price
• Put a date in your headline or a limited offer
• Make a Special Offer
• Feature a payment plan 
• Pose a question
• Offer valuable information
• Offer a story
• Offer a test
• Offer some amazing testimonials
• Offer benefits, facts & figures

75% of the buying decisions, are made at the headline stage _ John Caples

Advice to Copywriters:
When you are assigned to write an ad, write a lot of headlines first. Spend hours writing headlines, or days if necessary.
John Caples

101 Eye Catching Headlines Scripts For Sales Page or Landing Page

1. How to win friends and influence people
    2. Do you make these mistakes in English?
      3. How I improved my memory in one evening
        4. Is the life of a child worth $1 to you?
          5. To people who want to write – but can’t get started
            6. They laughed when I sat down at the piano, but when I started to play!
              7. To men who want to quit work someday
                8. Imagine me – holding an audience spellbound for 30 minutes
                  9. New shampoo leaves your hair smoother & easier to manage
                    10. Announcing the new edition of the encyclopaedia that makes it fun to learn
                      11. 77 reasons why it would have paid you to answer our ad a few months ago, and here’s what you can do about it now.
                        12. Free book tells you 12 secrets of better…
                          13. How to live to be a hundred
                            14. How to give your child the top grades in school he deserves!
                              15. Why haven’t you and your family been told these facts?
                                16. How to avoid lawyers
                                  17. 17 Stocks you should dump right away
                                    18. From 4 packs a day to zero, in 4 hours!
                                      19. Do you remember any commercials you saw last night?
                                        20. Seven deadly advertising mistakes
                                          21. How to write a good advertisement
                                            22. 100 good advertising headlines … and why they were so profitable
                                              23. 6 basic principles that have helped build the fortunes of self-made millionaires
                                                24. You a black belt? Why not?
                                                  25. Amazing new method makes drawing easy
                                                    26. Your one chance to earn the biggest money of your life!
                                                      27. Who else wants to learn to play …
                                                        28. How to get enthusiastic applause – even astanding ovation – every time you speak!
                                                          29. Frankly, the way I see it, there are only three reasons why you wouldn’t move heaven & earth to be here.
                                                          30. At 60 miles an hour the loudest noise in 
                                                          this new Rolls-Royce comes from the clock.

                                                          31. I like Aeroplane Jelly.
                                                          32. You oughta be congratulated.
                                                          33. We try harder.
                                                          34. I.C.S. The University of the night.
                                                          35. Steinway The Instrument of the Immortals.
                                                          36. Often a bridesmaid but never a bride.
                                                          37. How to give your children extra iron – 
                                                          these 3 delicious ways.
                                                          38. Who else wants a whiter wash.
                                                          39. How to obtain guaranteed credit
                                                          anywhere on the planet.
                                                          40. To Peggy for marrying me in the first place.
                                                          41. What everybody ought to know
                                                          About this stock and bond business.
                                                          42. Time for a Kit-Kat.
                                                          43. The man in the Hathaway shirt.
                                                          44. 9 out of 10 Screen Stars care for their.
                                                          skin with Lux Toilet Soap.
                                                          45. If you don’t like New York why don’t you go back to where you came from.
                                                          46. Lazy man’s way to riches.
                                                          47. Warning.
                                                          48. Wanted.
                                                          49. Skinny 
                                                          50. Jamaica
                                                          51. Lemon 
                                                          52. Think small 
                                                          53. Which Bank?
                                                          54. Phone Wizard
                                                          55. Overcome Arthritis 
                                                          56. Coke is it
                                                          57. 3 Free books
                                                          58. Louie the Fly
                                                          59. Money to Loan 
                                                          60. Sell your ideas!
                                                          61. Hard of Hearing
                                                          62. Need more money?
                                                          63. Alive with Pleasure
                                                          64. An educated failure
                                                          65. Why publishers buy?
                                                          66. Improve Company Image
                                                          67. Dare to be Great
                                                          68. Dare to be Rich
                                                          69. 7 Steps to Freedom
                                                          70. Anyhow have a Winfield
                                                          71. Fatten your Bank account 
                                                          72. 7 Deadly Advertising mistakes 
                                                          73. Your office on the go
                                                          74. How to pay Zero Taxes
                                                          75. How to retire with money
                                                          76. Is your home picture poor?
                                                          77. How to improve your memory 
                                                          78. The lowdown on Self Publishing
                                                          79. The Art of Selling by Telephone
                                                          80. How to write a great Advertisement 
                                                          81. Who else wants to learn to play
                                                          82. 7 ways to collect your unpaid bills
                                                          83. We’re looking for people who like to draw
                                                          84. Kleenex towels absorb 50% more, because they’re two layers thick 
                                                          85. Your one chance to earn the biggest money of your life
                                                          86. Here’s a business for $2,000 That can 
                                                          make you $55.00/hr right from the start
                                                          87. Knowledge that has endured with the 
                                                          Pyramids, A secret method for the Mastery of Life
                                                          88. Fountain of Youth Discovered by little 
                                                          known civilisation over 2300 years ago
                                                          89. Hands that look lovelier in 24 hours – or your money back
                                                          90. The amazing secrets of the hottest 
                                                          investment of the last 5 years
                                                          91. Which of these 5 skin problems do you have?
                                                          92. The Chinese secrets of weight control
                                                          93. Who else wants to make big money in Electronics
                                                          94. Confessions of an underground property millionaire 
                                                          95. Too busy earning a living to make any money
                                                          96. Fresh piping hot pizza delivered to your door in 30 minutes – or it’s free!
                                                          97. Give me 2 days and I’ll show you how to be debt free for life
                                                          98. You can laugh at money worries – if you follow this simple plan
                                                          99. How we made $250,000 in our first year on line ... Now it’s your turn!
                                                          100. Released at last – 143 perfectly legal ways to get a big fat tax refund!
                                                          101. Record Breaking

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