Pinterest Affiliate Marketing: The Ultimate 5 Easy Step Guide From ClickBank

   Pinterest Affiliate Marketing: The Ultimate 5 Easy Step Guide From ClickBank

If you have a website, blog, or just a business idea, social media site Pinterest is an amazing way to make money from affiliate marketing-it's free!

But how does Pinterest affiliate marketing work? Can you support your entire online business yourself, or do you also need a website? And which niche works best on Pinterest?

ClickBank's definitive guide to Pinterest affiliate marketing answers all these and other questions. Continue reading!

Introducing Affiliate Marketing on Pinterest

You're probably at least somewhat familiar with the concept of affiliate marketing, which promotes other people's products in exchange for commissions. Basically, affiliate marketing allows you to earn credit by creating online sales for other companies by placing special tracking links on your content. If a customer clicks on your link to make a purchase, you will be charged a fee.

If you have a blog, YouTube channel, paid advertising campaign, or social media account like Instagram, this affiliate marketing is pretty common.

But is Pinterest really a great opportunity for affiliates?

As we'll see, the answer is yes, especially if you're interested in a great source of free organic traffic.

How does Pinterest work?

Pinterest was created in January 2010 and has over 400 million monthly active users.

From the beginning, one of Pinterest's coolest features is the fact that it's a hybrid search engine and social network with a focus on images and social bookmarking. Basically, you create a "board" (think of a digital bulletin board) and place a "pen" on the Pinterest network that others can discover organically. However, if you include the appropriate keywords, the pen may appear in search results when users search the platform search bar to drive engagement.

Pinterest Search Bar

While it's true that Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social networks include hashtags as search keywords, search is a much more important part of the Pinterest experience (generally more competitive than these large platforms). I have no power).

So why is Pinterest's SEO search feature so important?

But what if you could build a backlog of quality posts that drive more and more organic traffic in the long run, like blogs and YouTube channels? With Pinterest, optimized pens can continue to engage after a year. In contrast, the normal posting time on Instagram is 48 hours, the posting time on Facebook is 6 hours, and the posting time on Twitter is 15 minutes.

Does it look interesting? Here's how to get Pinterest to work in five easy steps.

Step 1: Set up a Pinterest profile

Making Money From Pinterest Affiliate Marketing is the first step in setting up a Pinterest account.

Since you're new to the world of Pinterest, the first question you're likely to ask yourself is, "Do I need to get a personal or business Pinterest account for affiliate marketing?"

The answer is simple. If you use your account for business activities such as promoting blogs or sending traffic to affiliate offers, you must always have a business account.

Don't you believe me? The Pinterest TOS says:

If you want to use Pinterest for business purposes, you need to create a business account and accept the Business Terms of Service.

However, in addition to legal compliance, business accounts have many other important benefits.

Account Analysis and Audience Insight Opportunity to advertise on Pinterest payment platforms in a special pen format that includes rich pins

Technically, accounts and pens look like personal or business accounts. However, I recommend a business account because I'm going to make money on Pinterest.

Fortunately, setting up a Pinterest business account is very easy. If you have a Google email address, you can use it to log in. You can also convert your existing personal Pinterest account to a business account. 

The good news is that the configuration of a Pinterest business account is easy enough, if you have a Google email address, you can use it to register. You can also convert an existing Pinterest personal account to a business account.

Once you have registered, Pinterest will ask you to build your profile, so complete the details and answer your questions about what kind of business is about the following screens. 

Digital World to Pinterest

Create a business account in Pinterest 

Finally, Pinterest asks you to choose your main focus: Measure your advertising performance, create an ad or show your brand. 

It will start with the third option, which gives you an account configuration page where you can complete your profile.  Fill it in, download your images and brand logo, and you are ready to use your Pinterest Business Account to generate organic traffic!

Step 2: Familiarize yourself with your Pinterest account

Once you've created your account, the best way to know Pinterest is to create a few pens!

But first, a quick trip ...

Each Pinterest Business Account has the usual "domestic food" that would make a personal account, but it also has something called "Business Center" that accommodates all the analysis data that regularly want to verify.

Pinterest marketing

The main area you will pay attention to the business hub page is the performance, which is divided into the analysis of organic content and an overview of the advertisements for your payment advertisements (see below).

Initially, these sections will be empty, but once you start creating content, you can quickly see how it's all done.


Of course you can find more details when you go to the analytical tab in the navigation menu. It breaks your statistics through impressions, obligations, PIN clicks, output click, save, and more!

As a business account, you also get access to additional types of PIN we will soon cover.  But for now, take a few moments to become familiar with the interface. Then we can start creating content! 

Step 3: 

Create a PIN A PIN Pinterest is a short piece of content detected in the Pinterest search and is visible to your current profile in your feeds. 

A PIN is usually based on the image (although the video is also an option), and is designed to drive traffic to a blog post, destination sheet, product sales page or even a YouTube video. 

It releases well with affiliate marketing. Every pen publishing can show a strategic destination of your choice, the only question is, where should the traffic drive?  

Well, everything begins to understand your niche and the behavior of your potential customers. If you have not yet decided a niche for your business, I recommend learning more about the process in our Clickbank for beginner's guides. 

But remember when it comes to Pinterest, you need to reach a balance, some categories are much better than others on the platform! 

As a general rule, you find the greatest success with more "visual" niches, such as: FashionsetFotrographyGraphic DesignHome DécorravelCooking said it could discover a visual component within almost all niches, from history to health and physical condition. It depends on you finding out what makes more sense to your business, but some of the best niches of Clickbank should work well with Pinterest! 

Now, let's talk about creating a pen. You can easily find this option in the main navigation menu to createCreate PIN

 The PIN creation screen will look like this:

How to Create Pinterest Pin Effectively

The main components of your PIN is an image or video, a title, description, Alt text and a destination connection. If you are like me and you are not exactly a graphic design, 

Canva is a fantastic way to create decent images for Pinterest. All you have to do is log on to canvas and find the Pinterest PIN template. It is equipped with the Optimal dimensions for the Pinterest Pins: 1000 x 1500px. 

How to create pin for pinterest from Canva

You can start with an existing template and apply it for your business or create an empty Pinterest pen that can build from scratch.  

For this example, I just created an empty Pinterest pen and grabbed a show from a blog post on my music blog, improve the composition. After adding some rectangular graphics, it changes to my brand color, including a header, my PIN graphics are made. It might have taken 5 minutes!

1200px/1500px pinterest pin
1000 X 1500px Size pinterest Pin

Canvas Pinterest Pin image illustration

And with that my first Pinterest Business Account Pin is ready to leave. (Yes, I will be the first to admit that it is not the most impressive image of all, but it is the time of the point! As a type that is challenged by design if I can handle it, what can a Be decent graphic designer. Canva? Or a more advanced program like Photoshop?)

In terms of how to design your pens, you want to be as professional and striking, or make something basically for people "pattern breaks" moving through your feeds. The right goal here is that your pens stand up in some way!

Pinterest account

When it comes to printing your Live Pins, a practical option is the "publishing to the Pinterest" button that is in the upper right corner in Canva.

But to make sure you can see how it works directly on Pinterest, we publish our first pen there.  It is a fairly simple process to load your image and complete the rest of the fields with relevant copy. Here are mine that looks like: 

Pinterest pin creator

Finished Pinterest Pin For Improve Songwriting

A few final tips when you create your pins

A. Always include the Alt text. 

The Alt text is just a brief description of the picture. If you have built an affiliate website, you must be familiar with the use of the Alt text in images.  In Pinterest, the Alt text is a good place to optimize the relevant keywords that some pynenoten forget. 

Google's images will also be removed from Pinterest, which is another reason why the Alt text is so important: it can expand the visibility of your pen outside Pinterest. 

B. Add Relevant Hashtags

it is usually worth adding at least some relevant hashtags in the description of your pens. It's a big debate for Pinterest users, with the platform going at Hashtags as an effective tool (since many users are looking for SEO-type ordinary words as they would like in Google). 

Currently, it is recommended that you add the Hashtags, but although you can include up to 20 in total, the ideal number of hashtags is probably in the 2-8 series. It should include a brand Hashtag that can help people find all their pens quickly, as well as some hashtags based on the subject or niche of their individual pens. I will post your Hashtags at the end of the description. 

C. Create a Board

if you don't have one, don't forget to create a particular advice for your new pens.  This will make it easier to group your pens by category to attract followers.

Fun Data: According to a statistic, the average number of Pinterest planks for the top pegers 56. It is almost like a mini-function for each lower runner in his niche (or for every audience you want to direct. 

D. Add Destination link

But not least, you will want to include a destination connection on your PIN.  It is possible to place an affiliate link there, as affiliated links are allowed in Pinterest. It includes not only Clickbank links, but Amazon, ShareAsale and other affiliated networks. 

But another option is to expand your sales and route traffic through an affiliated bridge page that will first heat the potential buyers (and it will also capture some email addresses). What you decide depends on you

 Step 5: Grow Your Reach

At this point, you have your Pinterest Business Account, you've created a PIN, and you've published.

Amazing! It's good on the way to get a good free traffic flow to your blog, YouTube channel or affiliate offer.  In the case of our sample pen I have already received a handful of impressions on the last day, as you can see on the performance tab in my business center. ... And now? 

pinterest marketing 2021 strategy

Well, for one thing, you must continue to publish new pins! Only one pen is not enough to get a lot of traction. Many marketers point out to hit a rate of at least 10 pens per day, which I know, sounds a lot, but this total can include the supplements of other pine nuts you stay on your table. 

Fixation and Repinage of every day is a great way to keep your board fresh and active so your followers have a reason to return regularly.  But only the publication and repassation is not enough. You should also regularly navigate Pinterest and follow people who are similar in a niche. 

When you follow, they often look at your board and you will see that you also have something interested. As you follow others, you can expect, maybe 20-30% follow you back, which is a useful way to cultivate your Pinterest presence organically. 

Similarly, look for councils related to what you offer.  Remember, not only people can find their board or pens in the search, but their followers will also be notified when they publish new pens, so it gets easier to find the success in Pinterest over time than his followers' Score increases. The main purpose of his pens is to get a click on the destination connection, but some good intermediate marketing goals include stored, PIN click, strips and followers. 

All this indicates the dedication, which represents a greater scope and better potential success for their future pens. Eventually, building his influence of Pinterest is not something that happens at night. You have to move forward and make it a priority to see the full benefits of this social platform, but for many affiliates it is absolutely worth it! 

Step 6: Promote Your Best Pens

(optional) OK, watch, this is an optional bonus step! Many affiliates begin with the aim of keeping their cost of marketing low and concentrating on free traffic sources.  

To enter the business without spending a lot is one of the biggest benefits of affiliated marketing. But if you have a remunerated marketing budget, you can get the mileage of your best pens even more with some specific ads. It's a more advanced stratio. 

That's how it works:

Start by clicking the Promote or Create Ad button in the Business Center or individual pens.

pinterest marketing 2021

Choose a Pen for Pinterest Ads

Select the pen you want to advertise. I have only created one yet, so this choice will be easier. Press "Next" to proceed to the next step

You need to make sure that you have the correct destination link for your pen (usually an article or product page). Then let Pinterest process your target to find the right audience for your ad. Or you can do it yourself.

Finally, enter your daily budget in US dollars. This is set to $ 3 per day by default. Set your budget to see your potential audience size for the month.

Pinterest Pen closed to Improve Composition

This is in the "quick ad creation" process. It allows you to start promoting your pen honestly within a minute. It's incredibly easy because it comes from a more complex platform like Facebook.

However, if you want more control over how your ads are served, you'll need to click the Switch to Campaign Creation option.

From here, you can select campaign goals, create ad groups, specify when your ads will appear, and more. To be honest, it's a lot simpler than Facebook ads, but it gives you more options on how to run Pinterest ads.

pinterest marketing 2021

Like any paid advertising platform, you control your own approach. We recommend creating different campaigns with unique creativity for each pen based on specific keywords and themes, setting separate budgets for each, and splitting placements between mobile devices and computers. To do.

In general, the purpose of Pinterest advertising is to use the most successful pens. If you can make your pins "viral" organically, it makes perfect sense to place them in front of more users and generate even more savings, followers, and outbound clicks.

Example: How to promote a ClickBank Product on Pinterest

Now that you understand the five (6?) Steps to success on Pinterest, it's important to understand how everything works in the context of affiliate campaigns.

During this post, I used my own affiliate website, Improved Song Writing, as an example you can follow. The pen I created from scratch is linked to a blog post titled "Changing Music Keys".

So how does this relate to affiliate marketing? Well, I was able to increase traffic to the songwriting site using a related ClickBank offering called Piano For All. If you welcome a visitor reading how to change the keyboard of a song in a blog post, you can sell it gently on the piano course to broaden your musical knowledge and improve your skills.

Copywriting techniques for pinterest

Improve the Provision of Songwriting

Of course, SEO blogging is just one way to promote your ClickBank products through Pinterest. Some people can be more successful by directing Pinterest users directly to their YouTube channel, Instagram profile, or affiliate list they want to promote. There are all kinds of marketing tactics and techniques for generating traffic. I just wanted to share a concrete example of how you can use Pinterest with your own affiliate marketing path.

But it all starts with the right product. If you're still trying to find a ClickBank product to promote on Pinterest, check out our monthly updates on ClickBank's top products. Regularly updated with the latest products (and niches) that are doing well in the ClickBank market.

Pinterest Affiliate Marketing Frequently Asked Questions

How do beginners make money on Pinterest?

For most beginners, affiliate marketing is an ideal way to start making money on Pinterest. You don't have to create your own product. Simply create compelling images and videos that invite Pinterest users to communicate with your content.

For established brands, you can upload your product catalog to the product pin and sell it directly on Pinterest through the store. However, if you're not familiar with the niche you've chosen, you can start by promoting other products to help you understand what your audience is reacting to.

Can I add affiliate links to Pinterest?

Yes, Pinterest allows you to add affiliate links as destinations. The question is what you should do.

It depends on your focus as an affiliate on Pinterest, but the web is increasingly moving to a relationship-based affiliate model rather than a transactional model. In other words, taking Pinterest users to your site and allowing them to know your brand may seem better in the long run. The potential lifetime value of all customers is much higher if they follow you and stay in your path.

Can I Make Money on Pinterest Without A Website?

Yes! By generating ClickBank affiliate links and affiliate commissions, you can direct Pinterest traffic to your sales page. Alternatively, you can use Pinterest to take users to a single page, create a mailing list and place an affiliate list in front of it, or introduce a YouTube channel that contains affiliate and sponsored links. .. .. The best marketing solution depends on your niche market and your target audience's purchasing channels.

Can I use Pinterest's ClickBank as an affiliate?

absolutely! ClickBank allows you to post ClickBank affiliate links directly to Pinterest. However, it is important to check the requirements of the supplier you want to work with to ensure that you comply with the guidelines. Is Tailwind suitable for Pinterest?

You may not be familiar with Pinterest's Tailwind programming. Like Buffer and Hootsuite, Tailwind allows you to pre-schedule your pens. This is a great help to Pinterest's affiliate effectiveness.

However, Tailwind is specially designed for visual social media Pinterest and Instagram, and comes with tools to help you create better posts.

Beyond that, Tailwind contains an invaluable feature called "Tailwind Communities". It's basically a group of creators in each niche who can share ideas, build relationships, and work together to expand each other's reach on Pinterest. Tailwind is a solid tool and is free to use. The cheapest payment plan is only $ 9.99 / month if paid annually.

Need to create a Pinterest board?

I belong to. The Pinterest board is a handy tool for further optimizing your content for searching and following on Pinterest. Don't forget to add a keyword-rich title to name your board. For example, when it comes to pet plates, you might want to call them creative, like a "good boy," but it's better to call them what people are actually looking for, like a "dog Halloween costume." It will be good.

pinterest marketing strategy


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