How to Choose Perfect Instagram Username for Business

 #1: How to Choose the perfect username?

Finding the exact your desired Instagram username that is still available is a tough. So in this short article you will learn some tips and tricks for finding the perfect Instagram username.

How to choose perfect username

TIP - 01: Make it Memorable!

When it comes to your Instagram Username, it's worth making it memorable. Username are more likely to search for, which can directly impact your engagement and follower count. 

TIP - 02: Available on all Platforms!

Before you decide on your instagram username, it's good idea to check your desired username also available on all other social platforms where you want to promote your brand.

TIP - 03: Easy to Spell!

Instagram username can contain letter, number, periods and underscore -- But You might not be include all of those. The easier your username is to spell, the easier it is to search.


Tell a friends your username idea and ask them to write it down. If to they have made any spelling mistakes, it might be a worth looking for a new ones.

TIP - 04: Represents Your Brands!

Your username should fit your content, niche or brand. Otherwise it will make your profile unorganised and unprofessional.

TIP - 05: Future Proof!

It's important to keep your long-term business goals in mind. If you plan diversifying in future, don't tie yourself to a just one niche in your username.

Username Checklist:

  • Memorable
  • Available on all Social platforms
  • Easy to Spell
  • Represents Your Brands
  • Future Proof

#2: What if Your Username is taken?

If your desired username is already taken, Here's some ways of getting around it.

01. DM the Account!

One of the biggest mistake people make is not trying to get their first choice of username.

Simply, Messaging the account that's using your username and asking if you could have it or buy it should be your first priority.

02: Get Creative with it!

However, if they decline, you are going to creative with it. 

Here are some ideas for you to use if your Instagram username is taken.

Creative Instagram Username Ideas!

  1. Add a location to the name: cityindustrybusiness 
  2. Use a abbreviations: indbusiness or industrybuss or ibcity
  3. Shorten the whole name: indbuss
  4. Add a conjunction to the name: andindustrybusiness
  5. Add an Adverb: theindustrybusiness or theindustrybusinesscity
  6. Replace a letter with number: industrybuin3ss or 1ndustrybusiness 
  7. Use Phonetic Spelling: industreebusiness
  8. Add 'official' to the name: businessofficial
  9. Use Your Website URL ( )

This is all about choosing the  Instagram Username for your online business. 

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