20 Tips to Start a Freelance Business


Tips to Start A Freelance Business

Tips to Start A Freelance Business
Tip #1

Think About Your Dream Life

Your business goals should align with your dream life—so make sure they are in sync.

Tips to Start A Freelance Business
Tip #2

Choose Work You Are Skilled In

This will help you get ahead and corner your section of the market.

Tip #3

Figure Out Your Working Hours

This will keep you on-task and 
successful—structuring your life is important.

Tip #4

Pick Services That You Actually Want To Do

Only doing work that you want to will mean that you enjoy and look forward to completing your projects.

Tip #5

Do Research Into Your Industry

Make sure you fully understand your industry, as well as your competition. this will ensure that you are only doing things that will make your business relevant to your clients.

Tip #6

Check Out The Legal Requirements For State and Your industry

Don’t get caught out by forgetting to register!

Tip #7

Write Up Contracts

This protects you and your clients.

Tip #8

Aim To Retain Clients

Time spent finding clients is time that could be better spent working, aiming to build 
relationships and ongoing work with clients is key.

Tip #9

Build A Network

Do not feel isolated as a freelancer. There will be other people in your industry looking to build connections.

Tip #10

Figure Out The Best Place To Find Work In your Area 

frequent freelance working finding sites, and scour places that your clients will be able to find out about you and what you can offer your 

Tip #11

Gain Experience

Experience is everything. It will help you narrow in on your skills, as well as attract clients. Experience will also help you add to your portfolio.

Tip #12

Build A Portfolio

Your portfolio is the best form of advertisement for your business. Build a strong portfolio and make it accessible for your clients (include a bit about you, examples of your work, your services and contact information).

Tip #13

Learn How To Pitch

Being able to pitch well means that you come across as confident and in control of your business.

Tip #14

Re-adjust Your Services

Nothing is set in stone, you have the freedom to alter your business based on what you enjoy and are skilled at.

Tip #15

Figure Out The Best Time Management 

Find what works for you (and makes you 
work!). Lists, calendars, timers and everything in between—use whatever motivates you.

Tip #16

Don’t Procrastinate!

The whole point of freelance work is to have a better work-life balance; so make sure you work effectively.

Tip #17

Communicate With Clients And Only Do 

What You Were Originally Hired For
Communication is key and keep your clients up to date with your progress. Don’t let them try to get you to do more work than you are contracted for.

Tip #18

Value Your Time

You deserve to be paid well and fairly 
compensated for your labor.

Tip #19

Build A Niche

Target your audience. premium business means premium prices.

Tip #20

When You Feel Ready

Scale your business. Freelance businesses can grow, too.

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