150+ Subjects line that Get the Clicks

In the last 4 years I’ve sent nearly 1,000 emails to my list… 935 individual broadcast emails, to be exact.

And these emails have made me millions. Two things have become apparently obvious from my email marketing efforts over the years.

150+ Subject Line that get Clicks

1. The more emails I send, the more money I make.

2. Emails that don’t get opened don’t make me any money.

This is why the subject line for your email is the most important part of your email...

Because users cannot click on your links if they don’t open the email itself!

This is why I have spent years geeking out over my subject lines. I audit every email (with the help of my VA, of course) tracking the subject lines and their open rates meticulously.

Today, you are getting access to the best-of-the-best from this audit and in minutes you’ll learn the exact email subject lines that have worked best for me over the years.

This will not only save you years of trial and error but it will help you get more clicks and more eyes on your offers,immediately... Which should result in more sales and more revenue as long as your sales copy is up to par.

In total, I’ve found that there are 7 types of email subject lines that consistently get opened, get clicked and move my business forward.

This articles is organized based on those seven categories of subject lines, grouping them together so you can start by choosing an email type to send and then zeroing in on a subject line to model.

Those categories are: Curiosity, surprise, numbered lists, questions, how to, announcements, scarcity.

Just by reading these subject lines, you will get ideas for entire email campaigns and broadcasts, too! Your job is to test those inspired ideas that synthesize in your head from this book!

Keep in mind: These are the exact subject lines that I mailed. Poor grammar, missing apostrophes and all!

Your goal should be to adapt them to your niche and rewrite them to match your audience and their desires…

Let’s jump in...


1. Immediate action required

2. The new “Can’t Miss” podcast episode... Lifestyle design & freedom made easy!

3. Final Notice

4. Closing it down

5. The end

6. Closing it down

7. Gone forever

8. 3 days only

9. 2 gifts for you... Today only

10. And in an instant... It’s over

11. Last chance…

12. This needs your attention today…

13. [Time Sensitive] Get a site that is ALREADY generating revenue

14. Doors close in a few hours!


1. I sent you the wrong link. Forging success or FB ads? Lol.

2. Want to get your digital marketing learn on in Bali this October?

3. Have questions? I’m going live on YouTube now to answer them!

4. Merry Christmas! ...I have a super quick question for you, today.

5. Lets put some data behind the YouTube growth, shall we?

6. Websites, blogs or funnels... Are they the same? Which do you need?

7. Can we chat tomorrow?

8. Did you get the free meditation I made for you?

9. 7 or 40?

10. Did you notice?

11. 100 million bucks? WTF

12. How long does it take?

13. Did you see it?

14. Guess who’s back?

15. Thinking?

16. What if?

17. Does Google like affiliate sites? A 1000 kw analysis

Numbered list:

1. Step 1: Generate cash flow. Step 2: Re-invest in business. Step 3: __________ ?

2. The 3 phases of growing your business with content marketing

3. My entire business plan in 259 words

4. The ‘Three Step’ content marketing domination dance

5. 7-figure blog secrets revealed

6. The #1 online business killer

7. 1 blog & 11 streams of income

8. 55 niches ready for you to dominate

9. 2 profitable templates

10. 3 Free VSL Trainings - Only available through tomorrow!

11. The YouTube 2-step

12. 21 ways


1. And in an instant... It’s over.

2. Holy smokes

3. The truth about web traffic may surprise you…

4. 2017 blog traffic and YouTube numbers revealed!

5. The E.U. is unleashing a legal MONSTER!

6. BIG Update to my free course

7. Huge shift in my content creation process (must read)

8. I really messed that up

9. Content marketing scholarship!

10. The path revealed

11. The truth about MASSIVE traffic…

12. 2.25 Million followers gone in an instant…

13. It finally happened… A 100% free sales funnel builder is now available

How To:

1. How to attract leads and customers to you like a magnet…

2. How to analyze Facebook ads data…

3. Influence vs. Persuasion. Get this wrong and your business will fail.

4. Facebook shut down my ad account :(

5. Building authority beyond YouTube.... Where it really matters

6. Free “Success Roadmap” for 2018

7. FB ads trick

8. Split testing just got a whole lot easier…

9. My favorite framework... And how to use it

10. Becoming a millionaire

11. How to find a never ending supply of content marketing ideas

12. Facebook changed the ad manager again! New tutorial inside…

13. Win an authority site

14. Your map

15. The fastest way to publish blog posts that rank

16. Blog posts that make bank

17. Guaranteed path to wealth

18. Marketing Cheat Guides & my path to success…

19. Take a minute to reflect…

20. If I had to start over, here’s what I’d do

21. How to get clear on what you want to create in 2018 and beyond…

22. SEO 2.0

23. How to create search engine optimized content FAST!

24. Another way to make 10K

25. How to create freedom in an unfree world

26. This is the way

27. This unlocks full time income

28. Let me help you grow your affiliate income

29. The cheat codes for your online business

30. 8 years later we became customers, because of this…

31. This is absolutely the fastest way

32. Cashflow Legos

33. How to ‘beat’ the flood of competition coming…

34. Entrepreneurship is not a hobby…

35. The simplest affiliate business model


1. Lets talk business…

2. A $1 marketing conference without the traveling…

3. An interview with a membership site expert....

4. Masterminds and the “Rich Dad Poor Dad” guy…

5. I found 4 Black Friday specials you need to know about…

6. I just said ‘no’ to $20,000 and I’m stoked! The full story is inside…

7. Lifestyle design insights from the guy who did $23.8 Million in a day....

8. If you aren’t satisfied with your results... Open this!

9. Shockingly simple math behind 10k/mo

10. 54 or 81

11. My first mentor

12. Everything’s changed

13. Joe Rogan’s big mistake

14. Niche-buster

15. I was interviewed about success & 90-day challenges... Get it free here.

16. The truth

17. 2020’s easy button revealed

18. This template changed everything

19. Full speed ahead

20. Affiliate marketing vs. Real estate investing

21. 2009 vs. 2021

22. Try this method

23. Time is the ultimate luxury…

24. Checking your expectations


1. New Facebook advertising video tutorial just released…

2. Urgent warning (from Facebook) about Facebook marketing…

3. One year of videos... This is the result

4. A brand new interview: Bootstrapping a successful YouTube channel…

5. A marketing lesson from Old Faithful geyser…

6. And then there was 1.... More.

7. I’ll answer your biggest FB ads question LIVE

8. Results from my 2018 internet marketing survey are here!

9. Abundant Circle mastermind retreat video…

10. Two new deals added and $2800 more in savings available for Cyber Monday

11. My final numbers from 2017 revealed... And my plans for 2018

12. Funnel review and Q & A Live on YouTube in about 90 Minutes

13. My process for creating videos revealed…

14. Help me help you... Let’s make 2018 your best year yet!

15. New Training for you - 31 premium videos

16. CYOA Facebook ads

17. Google rolled out a BIG algo update

18. Finally!

19. New Facebook ads video tutorial just released…

20. Melanie and I reveal all…

21. And so it begins.... Again.

22. I made this for you

23. I’m starting over

24. Your questions answered

25. MB build these two things

26. OMG! You’re gonna laugh at this…

27. Huge Amazon affiliate updates - Live on YT @10am Pacific

28. New premiere! My best affiliate training ever

29. The information age is DEAD!

30. Another “Passive” scam shutdown by the gov

31. Going live in an hour - Facebook’s warning & the state of social media

32. Today’s free training starts soon!

33. Instagram marketing 2.0... Learn my ‘Micro Engagement’ marketing method…

34. Month 17 is in the books! Here are the results…

35. Affiliate site update w/screen-shot

36. Set your alarm

37. MB fb change

38. My million dollar funnel revealed

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